Indoor New grow, Old + New Seeds, ft Optic Foliar

Only having the one little air stone, I wanted to perfectly suspend the "bag" above the stream of bubbles, not sure tossing it in would work for me, and I also did not dilute, however I brewed what I thought to be quite "light" barely a handful of worm poop went in

And I really only started growing last year and figured theres no need to buy canna-specific anything, so just filled my pots with dirt,perlite, and castings, then got a liquid organic tomato nute, it worked lol, so basically couldn't stop myself from growing through the winter, and I've continued down the organic path, constantly reading, started dry amendments this year

Not sure if you've checked out the OD comp but my first plant with my winter soil mix was just harvested, just starting up a couple more, need to get the thread going
Of course the mix has changed some again lol, as I gain knowledge or an amendment, like everyone covid has put some hiccups in this winter's plan lol
Update 4
Update time. As usual, let's begin with the older gals. Today was watering day, so i took some pics bout an hour after watering. Nothing major. Just a touch of EM4, wood vinegar and potassium silicate aka liquid silicon to PH. PPM only at 96 with 55ppm from tap. Its about as plain as it gets after PHing. But microbes don't dissolve in water i think so it's really just for my info only.

Dedoverde Haze around Day 36 or so. As i expected, she'll be a big one. Doing good and took in a good amount of water today. Am glad I got a big one this round, as the last one i grew was a little small. I won the 2019 HSO grow off with this strain so it means a lot to me.

Tucked some leaves.


Auto Gorilla Bigfoot at around Day 33 is the only one not liking my heat in the tent. She was the same way the last time i grew her. Seems her leaves don't have that slight waxy shine to it. Looks overwatered and some burned tips but I have not fed anything major at all. All other plants are looking good but her. A bit of an eyesore but growth and color looks good. So not gonna stress about it. While tucking leaves, I broke one of her larger fan leaves.

Thin Mint Crack at around Day 33 is growing out of her earlier mutations. Probably won't be huge but will still be very decent. Great color coming from new growth too. I can tell that she's not entirely happy with the heat but is managing.

Cookies is doing her thing at Day 31. All looks good and color is on point too. Only thing is that she's a little short. Nodes are normal, sex has shown and she has grown wider than Pot. I've done leaf tucking on her too. Still hopeful that she will stretch out a little. If not, it's totally fine as I could use some smaller plants in the tent. Gonna be crowded! lol


THC Bomb 1 and 2 grew very well this past week. The earlier signs of weird growth has stopped. THC Bomb 1 is in 5 gal pot. THC Bomb 2 is in a 1 gallon pot. Both at Day 29 and 27 respectively.

Next are the Auto Bomb trio. 1 and 2 are in their same 5gal pot. Should be around Day 28 and Day 30. Doing pretty good. I started training them outwards bit by bit. Looking at how Auto Bomb 3 grows, they should get bushy and will not be easy to manage. I'll do my best.
Update 4
Continuing on is Auto Bomb 3 at a tender age of Day 28 or so. In a 2 gallon pot but growing very strong. Very bushy though. Gotta really tuck her leaves down. Can tell that she minds the heat a little.

Group shot!

A bit on my lighting. I've gone 20/4 about 2 weeks back after starting with 24/0. Its my first time using this schedule. Previously i was not able to give any real dark period so i just went 24/0. Last grow, I dialed it back a little in flower and liked it. So gonna do 20/4 then 18/6 for last 2 weeks or so. So far so good.

Lights are on about 355W atm, around 40% of total capacity for this side of the tent. Don't plan to exceed 60% throughout grow. Will add UVA In small amounts soon. In about a week. Will start with 2×2 hours. Then 2×3, 2×4 and so on. I don't expect any damage from 390nm-410nm diodes. Some might even say these are closer to blue. There are some very interesting results from adding near UV spectrum so we'll see I guess. Plants are very far from light. About 135cm from pot, 4.5ft.

Update 4
Now for the younger girls.

Sticky Fingers 1 and 2 are both doing good. 1 is clearly ahead a little but 2 is no slouch either.

Purple Punch 1 is right there with Sticky Fingers 1. Nice growth. Purple Punch 2 however has still not gone fully green on me. Rather sad about this cos it's all my bad. She is struggling to catch up but I'm still optimistic with her. Still early days so we'll see.

Purple Punch 1


Purple Punch 2

Gelato 41 Looks a little bothered by the heat. Hope she gets over it.

Cosmic Bomb is at Day 9 and growing very well too. Looks good.

Berry Bomb Still growing funky despite the miraculous comeback! Hopefully she'll give me something.


This THC Bomb is nothing like her sisters. Pretty much just for fun at this point.

Group shot!

This side of the tent does not have the red supplements turned on yet. Plan to start as soon as Cosmic Bomb turns 14 days old. I've repeatedly seen my plants happier when the reds are started from veg. So far, lights are around 310W on this side of the tent. It will eventually be the same on both
I keep talking about my heat and humidity. I guess a picture says a thousand words?

If it rains a little, I get this.

If It doesn't rain, looks more like this.

Then, it rains again lol
Update 5
Update time. It has been a week of good growth despite the hellish hot spell we got going on here. Temps reaching above 34C.

Tent got too crowded as expected. Moved 3 plants into the 5×5. Cookies and the Auto Bomb trio.

Gave them all a very weak feed of seaweed extract. Only 100++ppm to help them handle the heat stress better.

Last 2 days was like this

After the move

The 3 gals in their new home

Starting from oldest gal, Dedoverde Haze is at Day 42. Already around 1m tall. Very impressive size and is already drinking a lot

Auto Gorilla Bigfoot and Thin Mint Crack are not being fussy no more. Perhaps they got acclimated to the heat.

First two pics are Auto Gorilla Bigfoot and the other three are Thin Mint Crack. Should begin flowering soon. Around Day 39 or so.

The girls moved into the 5×5 are under some COBs. 2 × 3500K + 1 × Full Spectrum Blurple. Around 360W. I almost forgot COBs Does weird things to pics. Pics in next post.
Update 5
Pics of Auto Bomb 3 is killing it in a 2 gallon pot. Then we got the flowering Cookies. Finally, Auto Bomb 1 and 2 in their 5 gallon pot.

Sorry for the picture quality but they are in a partial lit 5×5 so lighting conditions ain't the best atm. Things should change after I transplant the photoperiod seedlings into the same tent.

THC Bomb 2 in 1gallon pot is already flowering. Looks good.

Berry Bomb looks funky but making a real comeback. I'm sure she'll produce well. Just need to remember to water these 1 gallon pots. They dry too fast.

New girls are doing good too. First up is Sticky Fingers 1 and 2. 1 is larger than 2. At the moment, seems to be 2 different phenos.
Sticky Fingers 1

Sticky Fingers 2

Update 5
Purple Punch 1 looks like she will flower earliest among the new girls. Doing very well. Still early so will wait and see how she progresses? All the new Seedstocker girls are at around Day 24 or so.

Purple Punch 2 is catching up in size and pretty much the largest among the 5 new Seedstocker gals. Amazing to say the least. The yellowish new growth is still there but is noticeably lessening too.

Gelato 41 looks to be smallest but I've a good feeling she's the type that catches up later lol. Good growth. Am happy with her.

Baby Cosmic Bomb is 15 days old. Already reaching edges of pot but height wise still a little short. Most likely due to the relatively stronger lights that her sisters need. Have high hopes for her.

UVA has already started.
Update 6
Update time. Pics taken 20 minutes after lights on.

Starting with the older gals is Dedoverde Haze at around Day 50 or so. Stretch has stopped and she is standing at around 1.2m tall. A very big girl. Have to give her 4.5 to 5 liters of water every two days at least.

Auto Gorilla Bigfoot is no slouch. Probably around 1 meter tall herself. Around Day 47.

Think Mint Crack at Day 47 is entering flower too. A very big girl that has to fight for space with even bigger girls. She Also takes the longest to perk up after lights on. I love the green on her. Thats the best I can do with pics, as she's in a corner.

THC Bomb 1 has really grown into a beauty of a Plant. I just can't seem to take a good pic to save my life lol. Structure is so beautiful that i barely have to tuck any leaves. Give her a big Pot and she grows huge. Put her in a small one and she still delivers but flowers quickly. Look for THC Bomb 2 in 1 gallon further below. Pics below are THC Bomb 1. Can't wait to see how she flowers.

Group shot of the 4 plants taking up more than 4×4. Could be 4.5×4.5 as I hooked ratchet hangers to tent zippers and pulled them outwards, to create more space.