New carbon filters effective?


Ijmuiden Netherlands.
Sep 11, 2024
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Hallo vrienden. Hello my friends i could use some advise from anyone with a decent carbon filter set up. I am currently in a new set up process ideal location private secure remote everything you could want, But i really need to remove the odour as i have people visiting occasionally and some people just are not cool with growing so im going to get a new filter set up. How effective are the Acinfinity systems id be going for a 6” fan one of the large filters and a silencer, Can someone who uses this system tell me if the filter is as effective as they claim please. I could get a CarboAir or Mountian Air if people get good results with these or any brand so long as it scrubs really well. Its for a 4x4 tent.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers K.
Hallo vrienden. Hello my friends i could use some advise from anyone with a decent carbon filter set up. I am currently in a new set up process ideal location private secure remote everything you could want, But i really need to remove the odour as i have people visiting occasionally and some people just are not cool with growing so im going to get a new filter set up. How effective are the Acinfinity systems id be going for a 6” fan one of the large filters and a silencer, Can someone who uses this system tell me if the filter is as effective as they claim please. I could get a CarboAir or Mountian Air if people get good results with these or any brand so long as it scrubs really well. Its for a 4x4 tent.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers K.
AC infinity makes great stuff…. Just be sure to get the proper sized filter/fan for your area.

AC infinity makes great stuff…. Just be sure to get the proper sized filter/fan for your area.

:pass:Thanks for the reply pal, So you woukld recommend the AC set up? do you use this one? Does it remove nearly all odour? Would you say a 6” would do in a 4x4?
I use a vivosun fan and filter (Amazon)…. Really, I’ve never found a difference among the filters, as it’s just a stainless steel housing with carbon media inside…

And the fans all work good, some are quieter than others…. Again, proper sizing is key….

Now, if smell is of utmost importance…. Here’s what I do, which was recommended by another member here…

I run my exhaust into my drying tent for a second pass through another filter, then out into the house. Works really well (it’s called a scrubber)… so that’s an option….

Or…. Buy “Ona Gel” and stick around your house. It works great to mask the smell, in addition to your carbon filter.

…. There, now you’ve got some options.

Welcome to our home, by the way. Feel free to tag me with any future questions…. :pass:

This is the hangout spot if you’re interested
oh thats lovely pal thank you so much for the advise. Yes 2 filters makes sense i could come up with something im sure so basically no real need to spend on a top end one just a half decent one and set up a scrubber. Thank you pal i will look into that i appreciate your help.
oh thats lovely pal thank you so much for the advise. Yes 2 filters makes sense i could come up with something im sure so basically no real need to spend on a top end one just a half decent one and set up a scrubber. Thank you pal i will look into that i appreciate your help.
You might get away with just sticking an additional filter on the exhaust end…. So you’re sucking through one, and blowing out the other. Just monitor your fan and make sure it’s not building heat due to the strain of an additional filter…
You might get away with just sticking an additional filter on the exhaust end…. So you’re sucking through one, and blowing out the other. Just monitor your fan and make sure it’s not building heat due to the strain of an additional filter…
Yes thats what il try first a double filter noise is not an issue but smell will be, Did you say you use the Rhino Pro?
Sorry pal i dont know where i got that from i have the Vivosun pots theyre pretty cool with the rings in the tops for training. Out of interest what did you pay for the Vivosun fan etc?
I don’t remember exactly…. But they’re usually around $140US for fan/filter/ducting…. Or so, from Amazon.