In a 2x2, the autos, unless stunted should more than fill. I usually figure 2 sq ft per small plant.
The photos will continue to grow, but that in itself is an issue. In a 5 month cycle, 2.5 months in veg, and 2.5 months in flower, roughly, 1 of those photos could be large enough to max a 4x4.
A 2x2 is 4 sq feet.
A 4x4 is 16.
Small tent photo runs are doable, but the norm is usually running 12/12 from seed.
This is a photo I ran last fall, she started when my autos were around 35 days, so she got about 45 days in veg before I flipped the lights, she would be on the walls of a 3x3.I also have almost 7 feet of headroom...
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