Photoperiod Neuro's Black Afghani Kush and Crop Doctor mainlined

Day 12 of Flower

Hey all, the girls are just starting to tap the trellis and all have nice preflowers showing. So I've been giving a light foliar application of BF-X before and after lights out when I can. Still on a light regiment of grow nutrients, the recharge application really had them getting whatever was left/built up in the soil. I did give a light light feeding today 1.5ml/l grow, cal mag, bioweed +2.5ml/l terpinator, mammoth p+ 2ml/l bf-x. I figure the mammoth p will take some time to inoculate the soil and K light feeds were the time to start the process.

Black Afghani Kush




Crop Docs


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Wow, those plants are really flowering up nice for being day 12. May be some fast finishers in the lot.
That narrow leaf dominate (NLD) BAC trips me out. Should not be such narrow leafs with those genetics. Looks like a pretty heavy duty Sativa. Will be very interesting to watch her flower out, and see if she takes much more time to finish out than the other pheno/s.

Is this only your second grow? If so, dude you are already a very skilled grower. Do you already have genetics lined up for your next grow? If not I have some very narcotic pure Indica strains for you, as well as CBD x Indica, or just CBD rich strains. I network with breeders and seed preservationsits from all over the world.The price is right as well.:thumbsup:

Yeah man, the BA kush were super variable you can look at the pics and totally pic out the clone and the mother. The other two are a bit different too. I mean part of it might be microdef. cause I was treating them similarly until the differences were obvious.

Hey man, this is my second grow on AFN and my second real grow (balls to the wall with everything, temp and climate control etc.). I love me some indicas man, can't do thc heavy strains at the moment. I just got a bunch of seeds from the illuminauto drop but if you have some heavy indie's high in CBD I could definitely be persuaded!!
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Day 20 of Flower

Hey all, not much to report here -girls are cruising on autopilot at this point. I cut foliar application of BF-X but still am including it in feedings. A bit of excess nitrogen showed it's ugly head (claw?) at the end of transition. You can see clawing on older growth. I switched over to bloom nutes fully and the new growth looks much better. I have a slight P def. running, will titrate FF big bloom in feeds until it subsides. The black afghani clone was prop'd up with an unused root pouch (filled with soil). These flowers are already starting to frost, winter is coming...!

Black Afghani Kush





Crop Doctor



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Day 25 of Flower

Not much too add this week, still fighting a slight p def (camera+led makes it look way worse). About to cut mammoth P from feeds, uppin' terpinator and big bloom to 5ml/l and GO calmag to 4ml/l, tablespoon/l of molasses every other water from here until the last week.

Black Afghani Kush


Crop Doctor

Day 46 of Flower

I've been away on holiday unable to update so apologies on the delay. These pics are from Aug. 25. They are finishing nicely, one of the BAK was propped as it needs ALOT of support and was flopping all around. The BAK had their last feed yesterday and will soon beginning the long drink before chopping. The crop docs still have a little ways to go, might get one or two more feeds before switching over to water and molasses only.

Black Afghani Kush


Crop Doc

Hey all,

So yesterday was chop day for some of the girls. The night before I cut one of the crop docs down and then saturday took down 2.5 BAK. The pictures are from before the saturday chop (sorry the crop doc through out a couple nanners and I was looking at a long trim day as is so I axed her friday night -no pictures :( )

Black Afghani Kush

All but the one half in the picture on the right were chopped. The large BAK in the back still has some lower sites finishing up.


Crop Docs (-1)
Sorry for the lack of updates this week, been busy with the scissors! Everyone is down now and attached are a couple (crappy) shots of some buds


Crop Doc

Thanks for checking it out!
great job, beautiful buds, you obviously put love and care into this grow.