Outdoor Neglected bag seed

Jun 9, 2017
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Hey all...
I wanted to share my 'cast off' with you all.
I stared growing in march this year with 4 bag seed,an incandescent bulb, a space and some tin foil hahahaha I can hear you all cringing as I write this lol.
16th may this plant broke ground.
Anyway I decided on autos and in my excitement I threw my bag seed plants away but this one.
I planted it in the secret garden at the bottom of the garden the beginning of April.
She's been pretty much neglected for the most part. Topped 4 times I think (cant remember) I fed when I remembered or could be arsed lol and plucked a few leaves now and again. I've pulled the brances towards the wall to try keep it low and poking its head over to thr neighbours lol.
To my surprise she started pre flowering about 2 weeks ago. : )
Weather she'll make it through the shit autumn weather remains to be seen.
Either way she's a great addition to the bed :biggrin:
Thanks. I forget she's even there most days haha. No wonder its called 'weed' :LikeWeed:
.......well........what i threw out as a cast off....and have paid pretty much no attention to (aside from the past month or so, where I've started to take her seriously) has turned into a f#@[HASHTAG]#ing[/HASHTAG] monster. She gets fed rarely, all i do really is pull big leaves off to try keep airflow good and re-train every week or two. and aside from a bit of insect damage here & there she's absolutely beautiful...I've come up with a great training method that saves me loads of time, instead of training each branch individually. I've tied a 'twisty tie' ring to each branch that i want to train then string between each ring vertically. Then the bottom string is tied off. So now I just move the rings up a node or two each time then re-tie the bottom string off...evenly trained every time..... So now instead of 14-15 different training points I have 5 :) win win