Hey 1guy- neem isn't the product to use for soil/fungus gnats,.. yes, it'll kill them, but to break the cycle you need to treat the soil,... adults are no threat to the plants, it's the root munching larvae that are the problem,...an easy fix too; get some mosquito dunks, preferably the granular kind (saves the hassle of breaking up the pucks)... if you're state-side, OSH or any place that has pond supplies should have them; there are other products from grow-shops too,... These products have a bacterium in them that is lethal to the bugs, harmless to everything else,... no need to drench the root zone with neem oil,..likely, it won't be in sufficient conc. to kill anyway by the time it works down to the bottom,... too much may harm the roots,... Bonide makes a nice granular form, in these little dissolvable packets, which I slice open because one pack is too much,.. . I make a simple "tea", by soaking about 1/2 a pack in a gal. of water with 1T molasses in it, maybe add a little nute's as well,... let it sit for a day or so to get the bacteria going, then water as usual,... it'll take a few days to get working, but I found it lasts for weeks, redosing 1-2 times if needed,... :ama: