Need some help with my plants growth issues

Jun 26, 2022
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I'm growing outdoors some wedding cake automatics. I live in northern europe so the climate is not really ideal for growing outdoors plus some personal mistakes along the way. This is my second project and the first with autos.

I had some issues with the weather at the seedling stage (too cold and rainy) and some over-watering as well and I think that my plants hasn't been growing as much as they should have been. They are now 28 days old (from the day I planted the seeds) and they have only 3 nodes. And I noticed that they probably are in the pre-flowering stage already, or am I totally wrong?

Is there anything to do to save this project?

Thank you so much for your help!
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Are you sure those are pistils or new growth forming? Either way look very healthy but not a whole lot you can do other than let it grow out. It will be a small yield but something is better than nothing!
Not sure what it is, I was just assuming they are pistils. But new growth is fine with me as long as it's growing.
Yes, small yield is definitely better than nothing!
Not sure what it is, I was just assuming they are pistils. But new growth is fine with me as long as it's growing.
Yes, small yield is definitely better than nothing!
Do expect the next week or so for it to start pre flower. For now your main stem looks a little flimsy would be a good idea if you tie her down so she wont fall over.