It was the distilled water apparently, when I started using filtered tap mixed w/solution, it seemed to stabilize at 5.9-6.1. I assume the distilled water just doesn't have enough solids in it and wants to neutralize constantly.
Any ways both plants are dead after sitting in 6.9-7.4 PH solution most of yesterday and all of last night, correcting it this morning didn't seem to change a thing when I got home this evening. Not a big loss other than two weeks of time wasted, but they were pathetic looking and would've been stunted anyhow...I'd rather grow out a healthy plant for once and do a good job, I'll have enough of the Lowryder #2 i'm harvesting tonight/tomorrow to hold me over for 60 days or so.
Dunked the last Cream Caramel seed tonight and will prepare a new reservoir of solution and cleaned everything out, will start a journal for her separately and end this thread I think, as people seem to like to respond when there's pictures and can see what's going on.
Thanks all.