Outdoor Need some advice 4 my Automazar corn field grow



Good morning

My Automazar are now ready to bring em outside, like i told you in my other thread i wanna plant them in a corn field.
DP Tony told me, that the corn field soil is good, maybe i will use some bought soil to plant em, to give em a better start but i am not sure about that. What woukld you do, just dig em into the field or use soil to start.thats my first question.
Unfortunately i must go into Hospital for 3 weeks,and in this time it is impossible 4 me to check my plants or water them. So what can i do? I will use slug corn to keep these fu***rs away. At the moment here in Germany it rains allmost every evening, sometimes more sometimes just a few drops but for Vegi Phase it is good weather , but i suspect/fear that this weather will not hold, what if I go to hospital and a heat wave comes.
i was thinking about digging a 3 gallon canister into the ground and use some of these "Blumat" vacation waterring systems, I got 4 of em, not much but better some water instead of no water.
Next thing is, what should i use for fertilizer, or mybe there is no need for that cause the fields are allready fertilized????

And No, I dont have someone to look 4 my plants, what means, I dont trust noone had some bad experiences with so called friends in the past

what do i have to attend, any advices ??? i appreciate every hint, tip or advice
and say thank you for your interest in my Probs. Sorry 4 my bad english, just by the way...

I got 5 AM left, 2 died unfortunately, one never made it out of the soil the other one died when she was an inch "TALL".2 real good looking ones 2 are OK and one seems to have a Prob, she stays tiny and dont wanna grow.I hope she will start growing after i planted her into the field, but i count with 4 good ones and one I will see what happens.

Setting rightnow is 250 CFL daylight, bubbled water (oxyginated with a bubble stone for Aquariums)
18/6 Light
No fert untill now, just one time a VERY small dose maybe 5 % of normal dose what would be 5 ml per Liter i used 0.3 ml in a liter, just to see what happens and because i mixed my starter soil with some coco (means less nutes, cause in coco are no nutes)but they showed signs of overfertilization even with that tiny dose, the edges of the leaves started to roll up .

So what to do, i dont know WHEN exactly i have to go to hospital, mybe i a week maybe in two, i need to hurry up and bring em out.Corn is high enough, plants are much smaller, so i need to take away the corn around of the place, what makes it easyer to detect em from above, but if i dont do that, no sun will reach my holy plants. I also got 3 other spots but i dont wanna put the AM there.

and a last question, since i use that bubbler, its very hard 4 me to correct the PH of my water, it seems that i need much more acid to bring ph down and the ph is not stable.
we got 8.5 ph water comming out of the water tap (i know thats high PH) and real low EC 0.120. If i use fresh tap water then 1 drop of acid makes the water perfekt ph.
If i let the water overnight stay in the canister, the fertilizer does strange things to the water, if i use the normal dose (5 ml a liter) i got acid in my can, with a ph around 4, that dont happen if i use the water direkt from Tap but then i have the chlorine in it....

OK, so FAR SO GOOD, like i said any advice is welcome, hope my english is understandable...
Grretz Dark
Hi darkpat had the same idea about a cornfield grow a few years back but noticed the corn was cut before my grow would have finshed UK area. Beware know your local corn harvest times. Its done in warmer climates not mine . Plus autos take longer outdoors . Worth a try . Peace & good look with your grow
hey well i am new to autoflowers but am not new to the whole cornfield situation so heres my tips to doing it successfully

1.make a map to your spots as it is very easy to lose plants in a cornfield, dont tell any one n you dont even have to put it down on paper but make sure you know exactly where each spot is or theyl be as good as gone wen the corn grows in

2.dig the soil in each spot atlest in a 2ft by 2ft section and break it up very thougholy and add perlitefor drainage and to prevent the soil from getting rock hard during hot spells

3. corn feeds mostly on nitrogen its entire life so your plant will be fighting for this with dozens of surrounding corn plants this is shitty during veg but helpful during flower so supplememnt according to your plants need pref with a slow release fert such as heavy harvest

4.make small cages to protect your plants for the first weeks as the varmints such as raccoons will dig up your plants when the smell the fresh turned earth looking for the worms and incests in the soil, once it has settled youl be safe unless deer are in the area in which you can make a perimiter fence with fishing ine 3" and 6" tied around corn stalks

5. keep a eye on the farmer especially around harvest wen you see him setting up equipment get your plants right away cause it does not take long for them to take down the field

and as for your water issue just add a handfull of water crystals when yopur stiring up the soil and you will be fine

hope this helped and cheers to a happy harvest :)
Don't think I'd recommend putting them in a corn field unless it's your own field. As previously mentioned, if the corn is that high already there's a good chance the corn will be harvested before your plants are ready. We had another member try this and his plants ended up being run over by the farmers bush hog, completely destroying them. Also, if the corn is that high already your plants may not receive sufficient light. I would suggest you look for a different spot, one away from any traffic. Maybe along the edge of the field, rather than out among the corn.
i agree with muddy on this one as cornfields can be a roll of the dice but i disagree with putting them on the outside of a cornfield as this is where most pot poachers start there hunts, and yes dont use corn fields unless you know the habits of the farmer and as always hope for the best but prepare for the worst
but it all really comes down to your preferance and fields are not for everybody but i can say out of personal experience i have had 6 succesful corn field harvests out of 9 attempts and the 3 fails wer .. 1 - lost my patches once the corn grew in i couldnt locate them and thats why i recommend a mental map... 2 raccoons dug up all the clones befor they could establish in there new holes and lost 50 out of 75 so its considered a fail and 3. was a mix of deer at harvest time and raccoons at the beggining and i was left with only 4 out of 35 plants after the damage was done... but i never put all my eggs in the same basket and neither should you.. find atleast 2 completely different locations and split the ladies among those eg) 2 in the field and 3 in a near by bush ect
but i recommend you take muddys advice over mine however if you choose to do the field mine will help you and i can fill in any blanks you may have:)
Not to mention you don't know what pesticides the farmer is using in his field, what ferts or when they are being applied. Most importlantly, you're fucking around in someone's corn field. Fucking around in someone else's crop is a line I will not cross. I don't know how things work in germany or other parts, but around here it's respectful to stay out of other people's fields. Those that don't respect that line learn about salt shot.
lol Mr.piggy brought up a very good point, SALT ROCK hurts! and do not ever damage a farmers plants to put your own cause karma will make sure you get a lousy harvest
if you ever do a field which you shouldnt then find the openings where the corn was already chocked out naturally by the regular weeeds but never tocuch or damage his corn and expect to be dissapointed atleast half the time
learnt about salt shot over 30 years ago use to walk through a field up the hills and the farmer shot at us, only kids we were, there was a scout camp near his farm.funny thing was a few years later the cops called to him and when they looked out over his corn field they could see the tops of his weed plants. i think he stiil uses the salt though
humm lots of good advise
not a fan of growin' on others livelyhood land
but if no damage to crops are done no harm no foul really
you might even fert their crops alittle in the process:)
but if your one of those people that drive down the road at night and take out a fence post
at least stick a twenty on the next post for the time and effort to fix:)
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