May 20, 2015
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Hello people, this is my first post, I've done a couple of grows, not autos and now Iwant to ttry a auto grow, I've got myself 2 × Auto Elite mix pack 18 seeds pack and another 2 × Auto elite mix pack 7 seed packs from mephisto genetics.
I'm really excited about growing these but I'm having trouble deciding what to do because the seeds aren't labeled, there just in the little plastic tube together.
I'm not sure on what pot size I should use, im going to use a coco/perlite mix ive just got sone worm casting and was going to add a oroduct called bulb stater availble here in australia-its a soil mix thay has dolimite lime, charcoal leoardinte, silicia trace minerals/nutes alot of stuff and mycorhizil fungi and bacteria, if anyone has used this bulb starter could you let me know how much you use or any tips for using it tjanks.I don't know if you should use smaller pots for smaller autos and larger pot for larger autos or will I be able to grow the small autos in a large pot just fine. I'm not sure what size I'm going to use but I was thing about 3 gallon (12Litres) square pots, the square ones are cheaper than the round in same size that's why I chose them. If anyone has better idears or suggestions on this that would be great.
The second problem is I'm going to be using a res tank to feed/water my plants and I'm worried that because of all the different strains, I'm going to have problems with some plants getting too much nutrients and burning while others might not be getting enough and vice versa. The only solution I can come up with is to have two sperate res tanks, one with a higher ppm and one with a lower ppm, starting them all on the low ppm res tank first (I assume this would be best way to do it) then if I see plants that look like there not getting enough then switching them over to the higher ppm res tank. I could do it other way around but I figure it would be best not to burn them and cause stress to them.
I'll be growing in a 2.4m × 2.4m 2.0m tent and I'm not sure if I'm going to open the two seven packs or one of the 18 packs first, I'm not even sure if I will have enough room for 18, now that I actually think about it maybe 12 would be better, 6 down each side of the tent, I'd love to hear what you think on how many plants I can fit, I don't want it to be a complete jungle room in there, ( my last grow was a Dog with a screen and 16 plant's in a 900mm × 900mm flood tray and the plants ended up at 1.2m withem all being topped twice, my sog grow in the 1.2m tent turned into a out a control jungle tent, it was pretty crowded with constant pruning 2-3 times a week just to let some light through, but anyway that's another story) The way my tent will be set up I will only have access from double doors on one side, there's no hatach on the side only double doors at other end and its in a corner so I need to be able to have access to the plants at the back without having to take and move all the plants in front so I need to take this into account when deciding on how many plants I can grow. I was thinking if I had 12 plants that I could hopefully fit two rows of 3 on each side of the tent and leave a gap down the centre so I can move down gap and only have to move one plant if I want to get the one in the back corner out. I think this what I'll do no matter on how many I decide to have, I'll mist likely have the res tank/tanks outside tent, is winter here and will use a aquarium heater so its not freezing cold(I know not to got to high 22°c if I remember correct, maybe 24 as the oxygen levels deplete okis bacteria can break out and a few other issues aswel can arise)
I don't know how big a res tank I will need, I would like to aim to have have to fill it every 7-10 days, is there a general rule of thumb for this like so many litres/gallons per plant per week, I also am not sure what size pump as in Litres/gallons p'er hour. I have 19mm and 13mm black hosing and all the fittings I will need, air pumps for res, heater for res, I've got a couple of feed rings I bought but I was going to make some more myself as I've bought a 20m roll of 19mm weeping hose and a 10m roll of 13mm weeping hose(I this k they call them soaker rings) I'm not sure what size hose I should use and how big compared to the lot do I make the soaker hose ring, the ones I bough have a small section of soaker hose then a plastic fitting that's similar to a 19mm tee piece, except the middle fitting is 3mm, looks lime you could attach airline hose to it if you wanted, then another piece if soaker hose and another fitting and so on to make a circle and the other one is the same except it has a nozzle that point towards the center of pot and squirts water out nozzle aswel as coming out soaker hose, you can adjust height oz nozzle to direct where the spout lands,
Anyone had any experience with these or making there own? Or does anyone have any other ways/ideas on good ways to water my plants automatically from a res tank? I would basically either run 19mm tube from pump in res and make a line or loop and cap end then run 13mm side lines from the 19mm res line up to the plants with the soaker hose or maybe some other method depending on the ideas I get here. I've been trying to find the answers or come up with a working solution for my problems by reading thread after thread and searching for it on other sites, but haven had much luck finding anything useful, so I hope some if you can take the time to help as it would be much appreciated as I don't have anyone I can ask for help as I don't want to let anyone know what I'm up to, I've always been reluctant to sign up to these sites because of concerns with certain people in blue uniforms and the like coming accros the personal info of there members, But after scouring the net for such stories couldn't really find any, only really old stuff that didn't amount to much anyway so here I am now a member of AFN.
I know its a long post and I hope I haven't rambled on too much or repeated myself over, I just wanted to get accros what I wanted to do so you people can give the best answers you can.
If your interested here's the nutes/additives I'll be using
House and garden coco
Roots excelurator
Amino treatment
Rambridge liquid gold(in res and as a foiler spray during flowering and yes its ok, I've done it last 3 grows with no problem, I stop if humidity levels are too high like when its been raining or days)
Rambridge liquid black in res(never used it before, first time trying it).
I've started using might growth enhancer, its a nitrogen/calcium supplement during veg but I'm not sure about using this on autos-any advice on this one?
Cal/mag once a fortnight by hand
When I've grown non autos I use a product called monsta bud at 5mL/Litre, its made here in Australia, I use it when I turn them for the first 3 weeks if flower, it has over 60 different things from all your nutes to beeswax extract, humic, fulvic acid, and too many other things to name, it was made as a stand alone nutrient but has become popular here using it the first 3 weeks of flower by adding it at half strength then using your normal base nutes to get up to desired ppm level.
Any ideas or thoughts on this one, I've tested for awhile often not giving it certain plants and the ones that don't get it deffinitly don't smell as good and doesnt seem as sticky, seems to almost sweetn them up I think, anyway that's what it is.
Seasol, a seaweed liquid 1ml/Litre
Bloom Silica- what strength do I use silca at for autos, is it ok to use additives from the beginning with autos and at what strength?
Advanced nutes piranha powder.
I also have Rock resonator, its a pk booster and I have general hydroponics kool bloom powder, can either of these be used, and could I use them at the same time at half strength each, so if I was to start using them at half strength then I woul put ¼ strength of each in, if that makes sense, or would using them at those low levels not have the effect its meant to.
I don't know if it matters but going to use 2 xxxL aircooled hoods that are 1160mm long and 1050mm wide, 6 inch flange, 600w sunmaster MH then 600w Phillips son-t when I see signs of flowering.
6 inch can fan rk150 extraction, passive intake, various fans for air movement, maybe cO2 if I can get it before I start and finish
Right I think that's about it, I hope its not too much at once and that I've posted it in right place
To all who've taken the time to read it all and help me thank you very much.
I am really into my indoor gardening but have been struggling a bit with setting up my system and the flowering stage seems to give me problems mainly because I'm not sure how much to use if what, and when to use it, which is why I want to give autos a go. Hopefully now I can get the wisdom of others to further my growing skills as I'm only getting so far by myself. Thankyou
Hey man we have a mephisto section here where Mitch the guy at @mephisto can help you out. I know he once told me that the pack I bought from seedsman might be mostly sour bubbly. Sour crack, and he was right on point, he could also identify them for you, and for next time you can order directly from them and get a lot freebies and labels lol
And welcome, glad you joined afn, you sound like you have a very nice setup, I can see how not knowing the strains is a problem, as it would be easier to tell you what to do, as in if they're 24c and would grow better In a Sog type grow. Hope @mephisto can give you better insight, also general rule of thumb, start Amy nutrients you will use at 1/4 strength from the dictated values and then you can go up on it depending how you see the plants