DIY Need help with lights and other things

Aug 17, 2012
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Ok so im in the process of building my stealth grow box and was needing some help from all the wonderful growers here. So im building this out of plywood and the dimensions will be 4' high 3' wide and 3' deep.
Not sure on light yet this is where i need some help if i use CFL' s how many would i need. If i go with LED' s what size( and brand ) would you recommend. If you think i should us MH or something else then let me know what you think.
For fans i have no idea you read so much not sure what to beleive( on web not here) and do i need a carbon filter or not pretty sure i do what kind(brand).
For reflective material i have some 4'×8' sheets of insulation that has a reflective surface on it will this work ( need it to help hold heat in) or do i need mrlar or something over this?
Please if you have any advice for this good or bad let me know thanks:group::thumbs::bow:
SORRY I will be growing in soil.
Unless you have the grow box in a cold place I wouldn't use the insulation board,or you will have heat problems.Just some cheaper thin plywood and than cover the inside with mylar.Also four feet high is not really high enough when you get your lights and pots in there.You could go with LED's but there going to cost you quite a bit.CFL's are a good choice and for that area I would go with at least four 200 watters with refletors. All you would need for those would be two cheap fans from walmart, one for air intake one for exhust. I would make the box at least six feet so you can stand up in it.:smokebuds:
Thanks Namvet I will be placing the grow box under my house and it does get pretty cold. And as for height the tallest I could go is maybe 5 foot not sure on that but I think I could get it. I have thought about the LEDS but there are so many not sure what will and will not work. I know the blackstars are good but other companies say they have the best so don't know what to believe. I have a MH light and the CFLs sound good but not sure. How about taking care of the odor do you think the fans will do this or what.
I don't think the smell will be a problem unless your trying to hide it from sombody in the house that might get a wiff of it during flowering.You'll just have to wait and see and if it gets to ad you will need a cabon filter with a high capacity blower.
Can anyone else help out with this?
Thanks Namvet I will be placing the grow box under my house and it does get pretty cold.
Temps in numbers would be helpful, if your temps are really low then maybe HID lighting would be best for the heat...

And as for height the tallest I could go is maybe 5 foot not sure on that but I think I could get it.
The higher the better, you can always lower the light will find that any added height will be a bonus.

I have thought about the LEDS but there are so many not sure what will and will not work.
I know the blackstars are good
You have answered your own question...

but other companies say they have the best so don't know what to believe.
Believe actual users of the products, if you cannot find any users then I would steer clear of it...

I have a MH light

and the CFLs sound good but not sure.
See namvet's post above.

How about taking care of the odor do you think the fans will do this or what.
Fan will not do anything other than move air around.
As you say you want stealth then you also want some form of odor control...simple.
I would suggest the biggest scrubber you can get (and use of course) and a fan suitable for it.

Stunted Quotes
Believe actual users of the products, if you cannot find any users then I would steer clear of it...
Are the U.F.O.s any good? Or any others besides blackstars

200 to 400 watt Thinking of using this with a L.E.D i really like what the L.E.Ds do for a grow plus they look badass.

Fan will not do anything other than move air around.
As you say you want stealth then you also want some form of odor control...simple.
I would suggest the biggest scrubber you can get (and use of course) and a fan suitable for it.
Are there any brand you would suggest?

Would you put intake fan at bottom on one side and exhaust fan at top of otherside? And when using scrubber do you still need just 2 fans or would you need 3? Once again thanks.
Sorry bud I wish I knew more to help ya. I only know how to grow in closets and tents... never built my own box and such. Stunted would definitely know more than me and of course NamVet25 as well. I'll follow along and help where I can but you got two great members to help ya. Just try and be as specific as possible with your questions and answers... will help get things sorted quicker.... :smokebuds:
I would put a t5 fixture that would fit in there. I bet a 6 lamp would work. That would cover your whole box and keep the light distributed evenly. Along with heat.
3x3 space you need about 400w to maximize yield. One 240w Blackstar LED will over that, but the best case would be a 400w HPS in a air-cooled housing vented through a carbon filter. 4' isn't enough'll eventually want to grow something tall and it'll limit you. I'd say no less than 6' unless you're literally locked into a space requirement....2 blackstar 240's in a 3x3 would be PLENTY of light, or 1 240w blackstar + a couple CFL's (T5's)