Old Reviews Need help with exhaust fan filter purchase.

Aug 26, 2012
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I am going to purchase the blackstar 240w uv led light and a light house hydro grow tent 4x2x4 from Gotham.I will have this in a walk in closet in a spare room. I will keep closer door open but if people are over will close closet door. I have no clue on what I need to exhaust air out with no smell. I herd rhino filters are the best but have no experiance on how to hook up and what I need. Is there a set up you recomend from Gotham so I can get it all at one place? Also the uv light is good from start to finsh not the ho right? I also would like it to be Oderless and as quiet as posible but don't need to be silent. Thanks for your advice and forgive my ignorance.
Hey lance,the blackstar 240 is a good choice and will do you from start to finish.but I'm not sure it will cover a 4x2 space,a 2x2 space is ideal for its core growing area,and a 3x2 space at a push.if you buy that tent don't fill it wall to wall ,hang your led and you will see the core light it puts out,keep your plants within that range,if some are on the edges,that's cool just rotate them round every day or two..and for a space like that,either a 4 or 6 inch ruck fan and matching rhino filter will keep those odours at bay.:smokebuds: there's loads of YouTube videos showing how to rig it up mate
Phresh Filters, this is what i use, this is the best charcoal filter that you can get on the market. They dont cost an arm and a leg either. These filters have the best charcoal that you can find. No other company can get this charcoal either, simply because they own the rights to the mine in Australia. check it out.
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Also I use a Vortex inline fan to run my Phresh Filter, these aren't cheap to purchase though; but mine came with a 10 year warranty as im pretty sure that they all do!
Thanks for the replies and the information. For that space in tent is their a special size of fan needed to move so much air? Also how is the fan mounted is it attached to tent frame the filter on one side of fan and duck on other? I am under the impression that I only need one fan and can leave a flap open for air to enter. Are some fans more quiet then others? Thanks for your help I just don't want to buy the wrong things.