Lower Ph, Using PH down which is usually Phosphoric acid
If the PH is too High your plants will not be able to uptake certain nutrients at the times it requires so it will show nute Def for some things and over fert on others as most of the time we add more feed thinking it is Deficient.
There is probably enough nutes in the soil/coco just now, its just the PH is wrong so the plants cant get at those nutrients it requires
You might not even need to reduce feed, you may just need to sort the PH out by lowering it slightly
I wouldnt add more nutes in on top of what you have been doing as you are just increasing the risk of over fert on that one nutrient
I personally have never fed Epsom Salts, I have never found the need. I am not knocking those who do, I have just found other ways to sort my problems
Sort your PH out and you should be fine :smoke:
There are PH charts
From the PH you are getting at the run off and those charts it would be more likely you are suffering Fe, Iron Deficiency. But I am sure others will think differently
What nutrient it is that is Deficient or Over Fert does not actually matter as it is a symptom of the Problem and not what you should be trying to fix, which IMO would be the PH