Need help please...

Papa Munch

That old and easy feeling.
Mar 10, 2015
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I've got 2 girls giving me problems right now. They are both Nirvana's, one is a Bubblelicious and the other is a No. Lights. They are in 3 gal. Airpots with Happy Frog, amended with dolomite lime and perlite. Soil ph has been 6.8. Temps have been 65-77, RH has been averaging 28-40. I'm using (2) Mars Hydro 96x3's at 24". I'm feeding AN Sensi bloom A&B per Tangs easy schedule. They got water w/ Calmag on the 28th, fed with 5ml./gal Sensi A&B, 4ml Calmag on the 24th, and a lighter feeding on the 19th.

The 2 Nirvanas fan leaves have been yellowing, starting with the veins and progressing into rust spots. This has been going on for about a week and a half now. They will be 6 weeks old tomorrow. The No. Lights top has been very wilted, limp and the top cola(s) have not shown much if any growth in the last week. I'm nearly positive that they are not overwatered. I wait until the pots are light and my A8 meter just barely registers 1 on the moisture scale.

The pic of them under the LED really shows the start of yellowing. The other pics included are under CFL light and look better but they are not better. This is progressively getting worse.

Limp, not growing, yellowing turning into rust spots....? Is this Calmag def? The closest thing I could find is manganese def or toxicity. Again...? Please help! What can I do to fix? They're still too wet to feed but when I can, I'm hoping I can get some direction. Thanks!

The tent. No Lights on left.

No. Lights limp as a noodle

Other shots

:toke: PM-- hmmm, symptoms are not well defined, mate, so hard to make a call,... 6.8 is a bit high, and Fe starts to lock out fast by 7.0,... the droops-- most common suspect is over/underwatering, and I suspect that getting down to 1 on that A8 unit is indicating too dry,.. past a certain point, the soil doesn't moisten evenly, wet/dry patches can be created, and the water just channels around the dry patched as they become slightly repellent... Hefting them will help gauge this, if you know how a well watered pot feels, and a dry one,... if you have a wetting agent/water spreader, this will help greatly with evening out the moisture! The roots are traumatized, so aren't taking up water or nutes well, likely,... hence the generalized looking symptoms,...
Thanks Waira. Couple of thoughts here......if you or anyone can help me, it would be much appreciated.

If my soil is 6.8, fairly consistently, could it be that I put in too much dolomite lime when mixing the soil initially? If so, then flushing would be pointless, correct?

Are there any deficiencies that can cause wilting? I hate to say it but perhaps they are over watered as the leaves were droopy after I watered last time. Damn....I thought I was being so good this time. This seems to be my downfall.

With 6.8 soil, I would want to PH my feed next time to what....6.0? Would this help?

What would I use as a wetting agent or water spreader? I know a drop of dish soap can be used as a wetting agent. Can this also be added to a watering/feed?

I'm thinking of a foliar feed tonight with Sensi Cal Mag Xtra which has cal, mag, manganese and iron plus more. Right now I really do not see how it would hurt as the way it is going, I'd anticipate the N lights to lose her fan leaves within a week.

Any recommendations ..........?

Taking Waira's consideration in mind that it may be under or over watered, once again, I felt that they needed to be watered last night as the pots were light and my moisture meter was just registering at a bit above 1. I poked a bunch of holes in the soil with a wooden BBQ skewer and watered with a feed PH'd at 6.1. (My soil prior was 6.9). I watered VERY slowly, one plant at a time, a little at a time. For the first time, I could hear the 'popping' of air coming out of the soil as the water saturated. it took me about 20 minutes to do the 2 plants but I think I did good. I checked the soil PH afterwards and it read 6.4 - 6.6! Very nice! the girls look so much better this morning! The odd twisted leaves are not drooping anymore and are standing up! WOOT! Happy Camper here!

well, maybe,.. dolomite is the slowest acting of all the limes, and unless it's nearly powdered, it's reeeally slow acting,... it's not supposed to raise soil pH above 7.0-ish either, regardless,... but it will indeed resist pH'ing down,.... how much did you add in? It has some in already,... the droopies are likely all watering related, but only you can tell if the pots are heavy or light by hefting them,...I see you attacked the problem with gusto! :d5:-- don't let them get so dry Papa, some cycling is good, but not so extreme; yes, try the 6.0 pH feeds, ideal soil pH is mid-to-low 6's; as for the wetting agent, there are several on the market...I like Coco Wet... mild detergents are okay in a pinch for foliar, but don't use them in the soil-- too harsh and nasty! ..... can you get me a better pics of the spotting? I can't tell a thing in these pics,... certainly, the foliar won't hurt, just make sure it's dilute to about half recommended strength,...spray tops and bottoms of leaves, away from direct light, to avoid potential burning,... the wetting agent/water spreader is critical for foliar; it takes the surface tension out of the soln., so it goes on evenly and sticks instead of just beading up.. more surface area covered= more absorbed! It's via the stomata that stuff gets in by foliar, most of which are on the undersides of the leaves,... do it in moderate temps and RH too, as hot/dry makes the stomata close, and the solution dries too fast anyway,.. only in aqueous solution do the nutes get in, once dry, they're marooned on the surface! A slight rewetting with DI/RO water to redissolve the nutes is a good thing to do, just make sure she's fully dry by lights out to avoid potential mold/mildew issues,... :greenthumb: .... good to hear they're happier already mate! way to improvise--:smoking: :slap: