New Grower Need Help, please and thank you.

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well i agree to disagree no need to keep going with you,im sorry you feel that way next time you wont jump down sombodys throat for expressing themselves
that sounds like a woman look at all my posts i never say no shit like that....And she only knows about TBM cuz i talk about everybody on here with her sometimes we be on here togeather. though she is right about one thing i do look up to TBM so she got one thing Happy 420 AFN
WTF is going on here...?....:smokebuds:

Anybody wanna piss and whine..there is a thread for it somewhere on site..
apart from that thread...
don't bother..:no:

ZERO tollerance on spamming..flamming..bullying and trolling.....
it keeps AFN how we want it.

btw its up to everyone to monitor the attitude here, thats what ensures that everything is kept friendly.....

Actively a Neighbourhood Watch scheme..look after what you Value..

soooo Chill..:smokebuds:it is 4/20...some of us want to Enjoy the Party..
not patrol petty niggles.
Sounds like you need to change your password and not let her know what the new one is. If the Mrs. did something like that to me, I would make sure it was the last time.

im sorry AFN my girlfriend was on here last night being a a bitch cuz i pissed her off!!!! she knows how much i love this site i have already been told by muddy and joe dirt to chill out so if it means anything it WAS NOT ME TYPING!!!
Okay, let's get this thread back on track.

Kill, Bailer gave to solid advice. I also think you are watering a bit too much. I've not a fan of the finger-in-the-soil method. I prefer to water by the weight of the pots. Get a feel for them when they are almost completely dry and only feed them at that time. I wouldn't be concerned about those 3 fingered leaves that are going yellow. Often times those early leaves end up being shaded as the plant grows and eventually die off. But the others do look like a deficiency. Sorry, I don't remember what your soil and nutes are. That's the down side to starting a new thread just to talk about a specific problem. Without all your other information in the thread I can't go back and check what your setup, soil, nutes, etc. are.
Thanks for getting this thread back on track, I am growing in soilless mix sunshine # 4, that is why I am trying for the low side of the PH scale around 5.9-6.2, I am using FloraGrow, Micro, Bloom. I will wait till they dry out before doing anything else. If you need any info about my grow, if you click my link in my SIG, it will take you to page one to my first post that shows everything. Thanks everybody.. sorry for the derailed flame war. Naughty people, you all must be having a hard time coping and patiently waiting for your shit to cure. :) here: :smokebuds: now Chillax!
THe feeding before last, I believe I forgot to add bloom, and only fed micro. Why bloom? bloom is 0-5-4, if you add micro at 5-0-1 it becomes 5-5-5. Anyways, that would explain the phosphorous death, even though it really showed as nitrogen/overwatered early on.. Here is what has been happening in exact detail: Entire lower fan leaf became yellow, gradually the leaf would become necrotic, and then dry up and die, usually the stem would fall off, and the stem was very soft. The Dark spots developed later, is that the same thing that happens from Phosphorous deficiency?
im sorry AFN my girlfriend was on here last night being a a bitch cuz i pissed her off!!!! she knows how much i love this site i have already been told by muddy and joe dirt to chill out so if it means anything it WAS NOT ME TYPING!!!

definetly change your password... you dont want anyone misrepresenting you...

welcome to AFN and bailer's and Muddy's advice are ALWAYS top notch... :smokeit:
The yellowing has not completely stopped but the leaves that have been doing this, are all the ones on the petioles right under bud branches, which is just a petiole with a fan leaf. I don't know if this has anything to do with anything though. But thanks for all the help, I need more money to make separate foliage sprays for deficiancies that may show.