First off, good call. I know EXPERT grower's that use the GO line because of
its effectiveness and simplicity...
Now...while that's on the way, it's time to research soil pH, feed solution pH and terms
like "lock-out" and "deficiencies"
Get a cuppa joe and read this:
Hey, and BTW, Welcome to AFN
Another recommendation I can make is to set up a grow journal in New Growers sub-forum.
When another member can track your progress by going back a couple pages, it saves
a lot of your time explaining the scenario and what led to it. Plus, you get a fair amount
of traffic that can observe and chime in if they see something. It also helps you keep
track of what you've done
RE: GoBox Feed Schedule, looks like gj has yah covered...I'm more conservative by
nature and would start with quarter-strength recipes and move up to half-strength
while observing the leaf tips for nute burn. But that's just me and I've heard that the
GO line in the GoBox is relatively mild.