Hey...Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is a good source for silica too I know good for us for skin, hair, nails, bones, diuretic, arthritis pain etc. absorption of calcium..should be good odor plants in a tea..nettle has some of the same effects on us. I do have some layin around will have to try..
And DE (Diatomaceous Earth) good against the bugs also good for saving grain foods good for animals feed...if added to soil mix gives a good bit of silica too being sea creature fossils. 100% organic source. FOOD GRADE ONLY. Ingesting DE benefits include lower cholesterol, lowering of blood pressure, relief from arthritis pain, increased energy, more regular bowel movements, smoother complexion, and sinus and cough relief list goes on.
Bamboo very high silica content..bout 7x more than horsetail..horsetail having about 4% silica and DE having 80%..I'm actually using silica blast for the first time but always add DE to my mix..will try the horsetail and see..