Extraction NAGreengo's - Hard Pressed

This is a common response. But can anyone actually tell that glass is superior for vaping concentrates vs. say ceramics, stainless steel, quartz, titanium, etc.? How does glass improve or non-glass materials detrimentally affect vaping 'flavor?' What chemical reactants or leachates come from any of these materials such that vaping flavor is perceptually affected? Are you sure glass superiority is not a myth? Not just a matter that glass is comparably inert to these other materials, but is also lower-tech (manual glass blowing) and transparent, which adds benefits and looks cooler?

Valid points. I don't know but I can taste a penny, and definitely a 9v battery. Might be one of those cilantro things where most people taste "cilantro" and other people hate it and taste soap!
This is a common response. But can anyone actually tell that glass is superior for vaping concentrates vs. say ceramics, stainless steel, quartz, titanium, etc.? How does glass improve or non-glass materials detrimentally affect vaping 'flavor?' What chemical reactants or leachates come from any of these materials such that vaping flavor is perceptually affected? Are you sure glass superiority is not a myth? Not just a matter that glass is comparably inert to these other materials, but is also lower-tech (manual glass blowing) and transparent, which adds benefits and looks cooler?
Hello there @BII ! Although I have heard and seen this argument quite often, I didn't say that glass is superior my friend. I simply stated that I personally like the flavour produced by glass, especially at lower temps. But since we're at it, I will go further by saying I do find it superior to vapourizer bowls/coil heads fitted with porous ceramic. 'PC' seems to dull flavours quite a bit, and the safety of it is questionable if not filtered by water. Scratching the surface of porous ceramic can release Silica dust, which when inhaled can become trapt in lung tissue and it is a cancer risk. This is the number one reason I'll take a hard pass at the Lookah Swordfish as it uses porous ceramic in the coil heads without filtration.

At the end of the day, personal preference is highly subjective and I just lean towards what poses the least safety concern, and what is most pleasurable to my palate my friend.
OK, I can see how a vaporizer's perceived terpene profile or 'flavor' is based on the subtleties and complexity of vaporization and each vaporizer, with perceptible differences in vapor characteristics with use of different materials and designs (such as particle sizes and distribution, air and particle temperature, vapor concentration, air speed, heat conveyance, etc.). With you referring to tasting better, with taste and smell both chemical-based senses, that's why I asked what chemical substances come into the vapor stream with non-glass vaporizers.

I avoid glass being heated with concentrate vaporizers. Just personal bias. I'm familiar with the drug industry's continuing problems with borosilicate glass drug vials, such as delamination (thin flakes coming off inner surfaces), besides glass simply prone to stress cracks and breakage. I'm referring to where the glass is being heated to do the vaporization, such as a dabbing stage, not to glass stems, water tools, tubing, etc. I favor inert metals/alloys (stainless steel, titanium, silver, gold) or suitable ceramics for heat exchanger parts (and PTFE or PFA vs. glass for tubing applications, stems, etc.).

Diamond could well be what we ideally would want to use for quick and effective heating, including its 5x heat conduction vs. silver, the best heat-conducting metal, also totally inert and very robust. Are there any diamond-coated heating surface vapes available?
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As someone who has been dabbing for 15 years I can say that there is a huge difference between the titanium nails (highly educated) we used to use and the ceramic ones (hive enail) to the quartz ones (quartz castle & quave) that I use today. You can taste the titanium and it doesn’t retain heat well. The ceramic holds heat well and has better flavor, you have to heat it slowly or it will crack. Quartz is king. It’s got great flavor and it’s not glass so it can handle the constant thermal cycles that stress glass. Glass is okay in a pinch but I would avoid it too. This all comes down to personal preference of course but figured I’d add my two cents. :biggrin:
Glass is okay in a pinch but I would avoid it too. This all comes down to personal preference of course but figured I’d add my two cents.
I'm using the term 'Glass' rather loosely, mind you. Which when examined further, common glass is made of sand which consists of quartz. So I will refine my statement and say, I prefer Boro Silicate Glass over the others.
Hello there @BII ! Although I have heard and seen this argument quite often, I didn't say that glass is superior my friend. I simply stated that I personally like the flavour produced by glass, especially at lower temps. But since we're at it, I will go further by saying I do find it superior to vapourizer bowls/coil heads fitted with porous ceramic. 'PC' seems to dull flavours quite a bit, and the safety of it is questionable if not filtered by water. Scratching the surface of porous ceramic can release Silica dust, which when inhaled can become trapt in lung tissue and it is a cancer risk. This is the number one reason I'll take a hard pass at the Lookah Swordfish as it uses porous ceramic in the coil heads without filtration.

At the end of the day, personal preference is highly subjective and I just lean towards what poses the least safety concern, and what is most pleasurable to my palate my friend.
Man, I think as sticky as Rosin is, I severely doubt you will have any microscopic silica floating up into your lungs. It's a good point though. I just don't think it's likely to happen.
I don't suck on my swordfish dry! :eyebrows: :crying: .................................... I kid! I kid!:biggrin:
silica floating up into your lungs. It's a good point though. I just don't think it's likely to happen.
May be ...,or maybe not.


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There is also a vast difference between common grade Titanium, and Surgical Grade.
Kinda like American Stainless steel Tubing and Chinese stainless steel tubing. TIG weld on either And you'll be able to tell the difference in short order!
I was making a turbo kit for a guy and I specifically told him where to get the stainless steel tubing.
I am a extreme nut about fitment and you really have to be on a turbo system Hot side! You don't want any slag blowing off and going into your turbo, it looks neater and it makes it more thermal dynamically stable. I had about 6 hours of cutting measuring and tacking, before I did any full welding. The stainless did look a little bit funky, but the guy assured me he got the right kind. I was getting so much spit back and popping from the damn impurities.
Once I realized what was going on, only took me about 5 minutes, I was moving quickly to that bad seeing red attitude. That's no good for anybody around me or myself. Now I'm doing this at his shop and with his equipment................ Outstanding equipment!........... He was off on an errand of something. I liked the guy quite a bit, So I just packed my stuff up, loaded my truck up and left. I get a text about 45 minutes later, asking me where I'm at. I called him up and said, "I'm at a safe distance from you!" Well, this just confuses the **** out of him! I told him I liked him and his wife a lot And I want to keep it that way. I think I just confused him even more so! I want him to admit what he'd done! " So Matt, did you order the stainless tubing for where I told you to?"
It was a long silence! Naturally he told me no, it was a relief that he admitted it. I told him to go look at that crap and let me know if it looks like my work. He said Yeah, that definitely doesn't look like yours. I told him if he and been just been a random customer, I would have beat your **** before I left!
Instead of making a couple $1000, I ate the gas money motel room and my time.
That's just the way I am. My Automotive work has to be near perfection.
I guess I liked him and his wife more than he liked me. He started to thread on a racing forum, bitching about what I had done. I didn't have to do a damn thing! There were many many people eating his ass, up and down and sideways! :crying: :crying: :crying: All past customers of my work and a few that had seen my work. That was the last time he posted on that forum!:crying::crying::crying::crying:
The only thing I posted at the end of the thread was a picture of a toddler walking off with an obviously full diaper In captioned with "Oh the Walk Of Shame!"