Greetings, autobrothers.
I have four Jane Doe´s that are of two different strains. Purple Mazar, and Easy Ryder. They are approximately two-three weeks old, and they are doing fine. They have new growth all the time, and three of the four has even shown sex.
So, they are healthy. Exept for one thing. Their first, and second set of leaves are yellowing, and on one plant even withering. You´ll see in the pictures.
My personal diagnosis is that they suffer from heat. Recently i bought a 250w MH-light. I don´t have any real ventilation yet. I just have a 18 inch osc fan that´s blowing full speed all the time. I have the bulb about 40 centimeters (16 inches) above the plants, and the temprature lays about 28 degrees c (-2 deg F) all the time. I plan to open the door to the attic later today. I just have to find out how much i should open it.
And then i need your help with another problem i have. I think it is going to solve itself in time, but i want to know now.
When i planted the seeds, i accidentially forgot to write on the cups what strain they wore. And now i am lost. I think i have a clue on what´s what.
You can take a look on the plants, and you can see how they have kind of different traits, but at the same time they are really a like too.
Here´s the one i think really stands out different from the others. This one, i think is the Purple Mazar. I have grown Easy Ryder before and i think that the others have more of a ER-look.
Here i have a real small baby. He´s/She´s growing, and there´s nothing wrong with this one. I can´t see any similarity to the others in this one. If i had to choose, i´d say ER.
The whole gang. If i again had to guess, i have to say that the one on the left is a Purple Mazar, and the rest are Easy Ryders. This picture is taken trom above, but i hope you can see.
Here´s some more pictures in a slideshow if you want to see some more pictures of ´em.
I hope that it is just heat distress. But if you guys think that it could be something else, i´ll appreciate if you post and tell me.
Have a good day, everybody! /H.