New Grower My white widow max auto

When do you think I should start using flowering nutes

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started my second grow she's 5 days old

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How old is it? Still stretching so not yet on bloom nutes.
She's at week 6 tomorrow

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A T 6 weeks she should be a little further along. U using bottle nutes? You could do a light bloom feed to kick them into gear.
Yeah bottled nutes I have general organic go box

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I would say that you can use bloom nutes to spur them on. Usually its too early because it needs to stretch some, but your girl is being stubborn!
Okay I just did like half the bloom nutes today and have grow cause I thought they should have more flower to it by now

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Thats perfect! A little of both will balance out what the plant takes, hopefully you will be on the road to budz