Updated pictures !
Ok, here's some new pics. If you notice my one RRF's leaves are kinda curling up.
What could this be, too much water, PH, Heat, etc?
They look very healthy except for that curling of the leaves.
When I water I have been trying to get my water between 6.1 & 6.7.
I also took a picture of the simple tray I made to keep my smart pots up off the floor.
Oh ya, and they are begining to get that distinctive smell.... Mmmmmm good!
I started the AA later than the rest. Actually it germed the other day and this is it's second day above ground.
As you can see, my home made rack is very basic, but it seems t work well. I have found it easier to regulate my RH with the tray under it.
I don't know if you can tell the sex from the pics I have. The couple that appear green were when I took the plant out from under my grow light. I figured I'd give them acouple more days and then try and get better pics of them to see if we can sex them.
My Mi5 #1 is the one that the main leaves died right after it was through the ground. It looks like it may be ok now.