Hows it going im gonna start a log on here of my second grow because my first isnt going as planned lol. I dont care im learning from my mistakes.
So im gonna be doing it in my closet its about 20" by 30" so im only doing 2 grows at time\.
Im using house of greens 'big bang' and this is my last seed of this i only got 2 out 5 of the seeds germinated. but i have shortrider coming in soon so i shoulld be fine for a lil bit.
Soil. (Muddys suggestion) 3 parts pro mix 1 part perlite and 1 part bat guano but im starting her in plain organic soil.. < Thanks muddy!
Im starting her in a 32oz clear cup and im gonna use Fullduplexs tiered method with another 32oz clear cup once i see the roots on the bottom( the first cup is strait organic soil and the second will be muddys mix does that seem fine??
I purchased an LED grow panel from a website and im not sure on the specs but its 1ftx1ft with 180red bulbs and 50 blue bulbs and i hope this will be sufficient because i dont like the idea of an HPS in my closet. im gonna put white material all around the walls for my second grow soon.
i am just using a computer fan for air and theres only a curtain for my closet door so air always goes thru there and i open the curtain as often as i can.
Nutrients im using are advanced nutrients micro,grow,bloom and also calmag plus iron and i have a cheap ph meter til i can afford a decent one any recommendations would be nice. And ill be using poland spring water bottles.
I just dropped her in the soil right before i started this post her tail was a little bigger than quarter inch so i dropped her about an inch down.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. im using alot of methods ive found on this site and i think this grows gonna go great! Ill keep updating every so often!:clap:

So im gonna be doing it in my closet its about 20" by 30" so im only doing 2 grows at time\.
Im using house of greens 'big bang' and this is my last seed of this i only got 2 out 5 of the seeds germinated. but i have shortrider coming in soon so i shoulld be fine for a lil bit.
Soil. (Muddys suggestion) 3 parts pro mix 1 part perlite and 1 part bat guano but im starting her in plain organic soil.. < Thanks muddy!
Im starting her in a 32oz clear cup and im gonna use Fullduplexs tiered method with another 32oz clear cup once i see the roots on the bottom( the first cup is strait organic soil and the second will be muddys mix does that seem fine??
I purchased an LED grow panel from a website and im not sure on the specs but its 1ftx1ft with 180red bulbs and 50 blue bulbs and i hope this will be sufficient because i dont like the idea of an HPS in my closet. im gonna put white material all around the walls for my second grow soon.
i am just using a computer fan for air and theres only a curtain for my closet door so air always goes thru there and i open the curtain as often as i can.
Nutrients im using are advanced nutrients micro,grow,bloom and also calmag plus iron and i have a cheap ph meter til i can afford a decent one any recommendations would be nice. And ill be using poland spring water bottles.
I just dropped her in the soil right before i started this post her tail was a little bigger than quarter inch so i dropped her about an inch down.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. im using alot of methods ive found on this site and i think this grows gonna go great! Ill keep updating every so often!:clap: