My Run off

Oct 12, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Skywalker kush
Hello and good morning, afternoon, evening.

This place has fairly changed since I was last a member here. It must have been well over ten years ago now. Its a shame I can't use my Old credentials to sign in. I can't remember what email address I used. and what the username was. They're long gone..

I've also came over from another forum which seems to be very quiet lately the people there are surely too stoned to even reply to you far too many of my threads go unanswered.. People like what you've posted but they don't offer any much of an opinion.
Anyway I hope I'm welcome here.

I'll get to the thread and introduce myself a bit.

I'm in the far North East of Scotland..

I've been growing since 2011 but I still can't get things right. You could say that i cut far too many corners and because of this things continue to go wrong. This is the first time I've started using led lights and also bothering to measure the pH Run off. Every grow that I've done over the years is always like my first. I struggle to learn from my mistakes and my brain doesn't seem to have a good memory anymore. I've also never bothered to ph.

A few weeks ago I feed my

seedstockers Bcn critical xxl

Auto plants ph 6.2 adjusted tap water that I let sit for approximately 48 hours .. the RO came out at 5.1 which made me think I'm on the verge of a lock out. I didn't think much about it as the plants looked healthy and I've read that ph in soil isn't really worth measuring hence why I never bothered with it over the years.

Last night after discovering some lower leaf discolouration on one particular plant. Which looked like a phosphorus deficiency... And measuring the Run...the water was coming out at ph 4.9... I decided that i go ahead and flush.. I injected 5 litres of ph'd water into the plant but the run off continued to come out very low and didn't seem to rise much. I eventually ran out of dechlorinated tap water. so I just used water straight out the tap... And I also didn't buffer the water I just left it at its pH of 7.8 after another 2 gallons of water I finally got the run in range nearer 6. I then gave the plant small feed of formulex and cal mag.

I'm thinking

Is it acceptable to use alkaline water in order to bring the pH up. Which is what I have done here in this flush.

I've never flushed plants before not even at harvest.

If so.....

Would you flush the other 5 of my plants if the run off was at pH 5 or less. It seems that the pH of the soil is way off and this is what is causing the low pH run off. But like I said I haven't been feeding them. Much for anything to build up in the soil.

I haven't yet really bothered with using any nutes. I started off using formulex at first then afterwards bypassing grow nutes and going straight onto bloom.... with each plant only receiving half strength feeds of Growth technology's Ionic Bloom on 2 occasions.

I've done slurry tests on my other plants which provided me with a pH of 5.1-5.3 the soil is B&Q verve.

Anyway I hope some of you can help. This is something I feel someone growing since 2011 shouldn't be asking. I'm grateful for all replies as usual.

I think too this place is better suited for me as I always grow autos the folk on the other forum seem more interested in the competitions than offering you any advice.

Thank you.
Hello and good morning, afternoon, evening.

This place has fairly changed since I was last a member here. It must have been well over ten years ago now. Its a shame I can't use my Old credentials to sign in. I can't remember what email address I used. and what the username was. They're long gone..

I've also came over from another forum which seems to be very quiet lately the people there are surely too stoned to even reply to you far too many of my threads go unanswered.. People like what you've posted but they don't offer any much of an opinion.
Anyway I hope I'm welcome here.

I'll get to the thread and introduce myself a bit.

I'm in the far North East of Scotland..

I've been growing since 2011 but I still can't get things right. You could say that i cut far too many corners and because of this things continue to go wrong. This is the first time I've started using led lights and also bothering to measure the pH Run off. Every grow that I've done over the years is always like my first. I struggle to learn from my mistakes and my brain doesn't seem to have a good memory anymore. I've also never bothered to ph.

A few weeks ago I feed my

seedstockers Bcn critical xxl

Auto plants ph 6.2 adjusted tap water that I let sit for approximately 48 hours .. the RO came out at 5.1 which made me think I'm on the verge of a lock out. I didn't think much about it as the plants looked healthy and I've read that ph in soil isn't really worth measuring hence why I never bothered with it over the years.

Last night after discovering some lower leaf discolouration on one particular plant. Which looked like a phosphorus deficiency... And measuring the Run...the water was coming out at ph 4.9... I decided that i go ahead and flush.. I injected 5 litres of ph'd water into the plant but the run off continued to come out very low and didn't seem to rise much. I eventually ran out of dechlorinated tap water. so I just used water straight out the tap... And I also didn't buffer the water I just left it at its pH of 7.8 after another 2 gallons of water I finally got the run in range nearer 6. I then gave the plant small feed of formulex and cal mag.

I'm thinking

Is it acceptable to use alkaline water in order to bring the pH up. Which is what I have done here in this flush.

I've never flushed plants before not even at harvest.

If so.....

Would you flush the other 5 of my plants if the run off was at pH 5 or less. It seems that the pH of the soil is way off and this is what is causing the low pH run off. But like I said I haven't been feeding them. Much for anything to build up in the soil.

I haven't yet really bothered with using any nutes. I started off using formulex at first then afterwards bypassing grow nutes and going straight onto bloom.... with each plant only receiving half strength feeds of Growth technology's Ionic Bloom on 2 occasions.

I've done slurry tests on my other plants which provided me with a pH of 5.1-5.3 the soil is B&Q verve.

Anyway I hope some of you can help. This is something I feel someone growing since 2011 shouldn't be asking. I'm grateful for all replies as usual.

I think too this place is better suited for me as I always grow autos the folk on the other forum seem more interested in the competitions than offering you any advice.

Thank you.
welcome back to AFN Dnite im a soil noob myself only ever used it once or twice then switched to coco but if i had the same issue in coco id do what you have done and flush out the medium to try and bring the ph into a better spot im positive some people will drop in with better and detailed info for ya soon
Hello and good morning, afternoon, evening.

This place has fairly changed since I was last a member here. It must have been well over ten years ago now. Its a shame I can't use my Old credentials to sign in. I can't remember what email address I used. and what the username was. They're long gone..

I've also came over from another forum which seems to be very quiet lately the people there are surely too stoned to even reply to you far too many of my threads go unanswered.. People like what you've posted but they don't offer any much of an opinion.
Anyway I hope I'm welcome here.

I'll get to the thread and introduce myself a bit.

I'm in the far North East of Scotland..

I've been growing since 2011 but I still can't get things right. You could say that i cut far too many corners and because of this things continue to go wrong. This is the first time I've started using led lights and also bothering to measure the pH Run off. Every grow that I've done over the years is always like my first. I struggle to learn from my mistakes and my brain doesn't seem to have a good memory anymore. I've also never bothered to ph.

A few weeks ago I feed my

seedstockers Bcn critical xxl

Auto plants ph 6.2 adjusted tap water that I let sit for approximately 48 hours .. the RO came out at 5.1 which made me think I'm on the verge of a lock out. I didn't think much about it as the plants looked healthy and I've read that ph in soil isn't really worth measuring hence why I never bothered with it over the years.

Last night after discovering some lower leaf discolouration on one particular plant. Which looked like a phosphorus deficiency... And measuring the Run...the water was coming out at ph 4.9... I decided that i go ahead and flush.. I injected 5 litres of ph'd water into the plant but the run off continued to come out very low and didn't seem to rise much. I eventually ran out of dechlorinated tap water. so I just used water straight out the tap... And I also didn't buffer the water I just left it at its pH of 7.8 after another 2 gallons of water I finally got the run in range nearer 6. I then gave the plant small feed of formulex and cal mag.

I'm thinking

Is it acceptable to use alkaline water in order to bring the pH up. Which is what I have done here in this flush.

I've never flushed plants before not even at harvest.

If so.....

Would you flush the other 5 of my plants if the run off was at pH 5 or less. It seems that the pH of the soil is way off and this is what is causing the low pH run off. But like I said I haven't been feeding them. Much for anything to build up in the soil.

I haven't yet really bothered with using any nutes. I started off using formulex at first then afterwards bypassing grow nutes and going straight onto bloom.... with each plant only receiving half strength feeds of Growth technology's Ionic Bloom on 2 occasions.

I've done slurry tests on my other plants which provided me with a pH of 5.1-5.3 the soil is B&Q verve.

Anyway I hope some of you can help. This is something I feel someone growing since 2011 shouldn't be asking. I'm grateful for all replies as usual.

I think too this place is better suited for me as I always grow autos the folk on the other forum seem more interested in the competitions than offering you any advice.

Thank you.

heya @M1Dnite and :welcome: back to afn! :toke: and well, u couldn't have been a member over 10y ago, cuz afn ain't 10y old yet, lol :rolleyes2: but, it will be in jus a couple monthz, on jan 2nd, 2021, woot! :yay: anyhoo, i grow in soil, but am also the lowest effort grower on site, and thus, am not qualified to address ur issuez, lol :rofl: plenty o' other peepz are tho & will chime in, so jus hang tuff & anything else u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

Thank you very much both of you for replying to the thread...I suppose if I joined AFN in 2011/12 then I didn't join the forum 10 years ago.. But it feels like 20 years ago... Lol..thanks for correcting me on that... .you know I think I'll need to make the transition over to coco very soon. The soil grows are a total pain in the ass. Be great to hear what others would recommend though.

I'm just wanting to know if anyone would use alkaline water in order to buffer out the pH run off and make it more in range. Continuing to use pH adjusted water to flush seems a bit daft. Unless of course your flushing in time for harvest.

Thanks again though. 2 replies are better than none.
Thank you very much both of you for replying to the thread...I suppose if I joined AFN in 2011/12 then I didn't join the forum 10 years ago.. But it feels like 20 years ago... Lol..thanks for correcting me on that... .you know I think I'll need to make the transition over to coco very soon. The soil grows are a total pain in the ass. Be great to hear what others would recommend though.

I'm just wanting to know if anyone would use alkaline water in order to buffer out the pH run off and make it more in range. Continuing to use pH adjusted water to flush seems a bit daft. Unless of course your flushing in time for harvest.

Thanks again though. 2 replies are better than none.

i meant to add that in a pinch, bakin soda or de (diatomaceous earth) will work to raize de has the added benefit of addin silica ;) as for soil, i jus make up me own from the get & uze nutez needed & i never ph or check anything, lol :rofl: :shrug: ppp
You don't need to flush to raise the ph in soil. That's a tough task. It's a game of averages. If you want to raise the ph in your pot, just use a water source with a higher on than what's in the pot when you feed/water. If the ph of the run off is 5.5, you can just water/feed as normal with 8.0 ph.. The numbers will average out.. But your ph dropping like It is, points to other possible issues.. Ph naturally rises as the soil dries out.. The fact that it's so much lower than your starting ph is weird. Have you calibrated the meter lately?

Excellent dude.... but why use baking soda when tap water is already a pH 7.8 for me. Do you mean like top dress the soil with a pinch and then water as normal with PH adjusted water. I heard egg shells can also raise ph but Iike I said my tap water is already alkaline.

The plant I flushed last night seems alot happier than before I flushed her. I suppose it'll take another week to see if the leaves have any more discolouration.

It's time to feed them anyway. I think I'll hold off with the flush. as the 5 out of six look healthy and happy it's only one plant that's starting to show leaf discolouration. I'll get pictures to follow soon when I reach the desired post count if there is a count in order to post pics.

Thank you thank you.
Hello and good morning, afternoon, evening.

This place has fairly changed since I was last a member here. It must have been well over ten years ago now. Its a shame I can't use my Old credentials to sign in. I can't remember what email address I used. and what the username was. They're long gone..

I've also came over from another forum which seems to be very quiet lately the people there are surely too stoned to even reply to you far too many of my threads go unanswered.. People like what you've posted but they don't offer any much of an opinion.
Anyway I hope I'm welcome here.

I'll get to the thread and introduce myself a bit.

I'm in the far North East of Scotland..

I've been growing since 2011 but I still can't get things right. You could say that i cut far too many corners and because of this things continue to go wrong. This is the first time I've started using led lights and also bothering to measure the pH Run off. Every grow that I've done over the years is always like my first. I struggle to learn from my mistakes and my brain doesn't seem to have a good memory anymore. I've also never bothered to ph.

A few weeks ago I feed my

seedstockers Bcn critical xxl

Auto plants ph 6.2 adjusted tap water that I let sit for approximately 48 hours .. the RO came out at 5.1 which made me think I'm on the verge of a lock out. I didn't think much about it as the plants looked healthy and I've read that ph in soil isn't really worth measuring hence why I never bothered with it over the years.

Last night after discovering some lower leaf discolouration on one particular plant. Which looked like a phosphorus deficiency... And measuring the Run...the water was coming out at ph 4.9... I decided that i go ahead and flush.. I injected 5 litres of ph'd water into the plant but the run off continued to come out very low and didn't seem to rise much. I eventually ran out of dechlorinated tap water. so I just used water straight out the tap... And I also didn't buffer the water I just left it at its pH of 7.8 after another 2 gallons of water I finally got the run in range nearer 6. I then gave the plant small feed of formulex and cal mag.

I'm thinking

Is it acceptable to use alkaline water in order to bring the pH up. Which is what I have done here in this flush.

I've never flushed plants before not even at harvest.

If so.....

Would you flush the other 5 of my plants if the run off was at pH 5 or less. It seems that the pH of the soil is way off and this is what is causing the low pH run off. But like I said I haven't been feeding them. Much for anything to build up in the soil.

I haven't yet really bothered with using any nutes. I started off using formulex at first then afterwards bypassing grow nutes and going straight onto bloom.... with each plant only receiving half strength feeds of Growth technology's Ionic Bloom on 2 occasions.

I've done slurry tests on my other plants which provided me with a pH of 5.1-5.3 the soil is B&Q verve.

Anyway I hope some of you can help. This is something I feel someone growing since 2011 shouldn't be asking. I'm grateful for all replies as usual.

I think too this place is better suited for me as I always grow autos the folk on the other forum seem more interested in the competitions than offering you any advice.

Thank you.
hi growbro I'm a coco grower myself from the UK so i cant advise you much with soil but id only flush if your seeing issues also i see some people using home stuff for ph up or down but you can pick it up for dirt cheap so i don't see the point also if you post pics it will mean you get a better answer and nice to meet you

Excellent dude.... but why use baking soda when tap water is already a pH 7.8 for me. Do you mean like top dress the soil with a pinch and then water as normal with PH adjusted water. I heard egg shells can also raise ph but Iike I said my tap water is already alkaline.

The plant I flushed last night seems alot happier than before I flushed her. I suppose it'll take another week to see if the leaves have any more discolouration.

It's time to feed them anyway. I think I'll hold off with the flush. as the 5 out of six look healthy and happy it's only one plant that's starting to show leaf discolouration. I'll get pictures to follow soon when I reach the desired post count if there is a count in order to post pics.

Thank you thank you.

no min post count required to post picz :thumbsup: picz plz! picz plz! :jump: ppp