@Serenity's Angel ... I'm just about to click the 'buy' button on a P450 ... one to start, test grow, new growroom ... get another if all works ok. Glad you posted this, very useful.
Like you, I've been going round in circles looking at LEDs.
I had my eyes on Kind LED, but I read a bad review claiming overpricing, unbranded diodes (read
Chinese) and poor support. Put me off.
Mars Hydro aren't the most electrically-efficient, I don't have the time to build my own COBs (yet) and I live in the UK so my choices are limited.
I've heard Grow Northern (A UK brand, not to be confused with Northern Grow - Photon Labs) have something awesome coming out next year using COB tech, but I don't want to wait until then and goodness knows what the price tag will be.
You've just helped me make a decision. Thank you.
I'm not very good at making decisions ... can take weeks, months, even years sometimes to come to one..!
A captain of industry, I'm not.