Harvest & Curing My pka doesn't smell like it did before my harvest????

Dec 9, 2012
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I grew PKA, and I did everything this thread said to do.... https://www.autoflower.org/f23/time-we-all-work-so-hard-achieving-perfect-cure-204.html My PKA has been in jars for 2 weeks now, and the RH is reading 62. I am using the hygrometers III, but the PKA is crumbly dry, unless I squeeze it as hard as I can from a bud, then I get the lemony smell of my PKA, and barely any stickiness that I had before I gave her the chop. Otherwise it smells like hay, I GUESS. :shrug: The boveda packs are too expensive, and I was going to try, and use some lemon peels to put some moisture back into the buds. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!! Thanks everybody!! :peace: and happy smoking!! :)
how quickly did you dry it? if you had a fan on t it might have dried the outsides too quickly, so they woudlnt cure otherwise id just keep it sealed and give it more time. two weeks isnt much atall give it a month. crumbly sounds like your meter might be off though. or that the stems still have moisture, and theyre not getting a chance to equalize moisture about the buds. how much do you burp.

boveda packs are better because they wont cause mould so easily which is a worry in sealed jars. itll work but id just wait. a wetter bud is a better option if you have any getting chopped soon.
I dried for 4 days. I didn't have any fans on them, while they were drying. I take all the buds out of the jar, each weekend and burp them for 1 hour. When I priced boveda packs, they seemed expensive. Thanks for the quick response Bgrt!!!! :) What do you think about he lemon peel idea I have??? or do you think I should pay extra, and get the boveda packs? If the boveda packs work, then I don't mind throwing out the extra dough. If I got the boveda packs, I should get the 65 RH, Right? Cause the ones I 'll saw on ebay are taxed!!!!! :( P.S. Thanks Again :smokebuds::peace:
usually burping is just opening to lid to burp off the gasses/get dryer air into the jar which the buds will then re-moisturise, by that guide 4 days means your local rh is 30%(?) id say taking them out weekendly for so long at a time may have dried them a bit much unless they were over 70% but 2 weeks in jars so only burped/dried twice max?
we want more gradual change than weekly steps.

in that guide it says burp more often at certain points towards the start have you done that weekendly drying since they went in the jars or is that just how it is recently?
if you dry the outsides too quickly then all the fermentation (?) and chlorophyll processes wont take place in those parts so you end up with the hay smell instead of the stink were after.
you wanna start by burping a few times a day them down to once a day then week etc. just judging when it needs it more often by the RH%

dont worry about it id say the smell will return, its early days. i wouldnt bother with the boveda and especially not the peel, the orange wil change the smell and increase the risk of mould. ive done it myself back when i was buying with no ill efects but i wouldnt recommend it atall. it a do at your own risk kind of thing.
boveda packs are handy to have around and useful for long term storage stability but not essential to everyone. buy some when youre bothered or if you want to. i think they have 62% ones now too.

personally i like to leave the jar bud in that range anyway and then just pull out a few buds to a smaller jar that ill use to roll etc, that way it gets longer to cure and over time it will slowly lower the rh anyway you dont really have to do any scheduled burps as your smoking will make it happen often enough anyway unless you have a million jars on the go.

no problem, im no expert btw but i follow that guide myself and have done it 3-4 times with good success now.
if theyre steady at 62% id just leave them be and burp once for like 5 mins weekly or so. you want it pretty sealed so you dont lose anymore moisure, and during that week being sealed the inner moisture will spread to the crumbly bits decrumblifying them. ive got mine sitting at 63 now in a drawer, just whenever i need a bud or a sniff i open it and then back in the drawer, it doesnt need much once youre down to 65% and lower
even if it doesnt end up changing smell isnt really the main thing anyway, and theres always next time. no easy way to practice these things quickly.

if youre not planning to store the jar for years untouched then 62 is a good number to aim for imo.
good luck
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I just got the Boveda 62 % packs, and they have been in my air tight jars now for 6 hrs, and my RH is reading 69 and 70???? Does it just take time for the humidity to gradually go down??? Or should my RH be at 62 by now???? I don't understand????:shrug:
I just got the Boveda 62 % packs, and they have been in my air tight jars now for 6 hrs, and my RH is reading 69 and 70???? Does it just take time for the humidity to gradually go down??? Or should my RH be at 62 by now???? I don't understand????:shrug:
What was your hmidity, before you added the Boveda packs?? Bovada packs have a limited ability to bring your RH down, and are primarily to stabilize the RH, once you have reached the desired RH. You may need to release some more moisture, so that they can be effective.

They were at 72, and 73 before I added the packs.

in that faq it says to air/hang dry them till theyre under 70 then jar them, so youre still too wet to even be in jars.
the 62% are for long term storage keep them till you are finished basically then they regulate.

you said 62 percent in the first comment so i thought they were dry enough. you need to let the hygrometers get a stable reading by leaving them sealed up for a while (once theyre dry enough to be in jars)
for hours and itll take longer towards the end.

If more than +70% - buds need to dry longer out of the jar. For me, for about every 5% over 70, equals about 10-12 hours outside of jar - but that's different depending on time of year, outside weather, etc... Typically about 12-36 hours more drying time is needed.

id say get that done before worrying about anything else.hang for 10 hours or so(depending on how hot and dry your area is then jar it up and leave it for a few more to get a good reading. check and repeat if necessary till you are under 70. then the burping can begin. before that it will do nothing as theres so much moisture involved.

being that wet and sealed up till now youre risking mould. keep an eye out for anything fluffy or discoloured.
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Like I said when I first started this thread, I dried them already, but the buds got to DRY and Crumbly. The RH was reading 62, and they would fall apart every time I touched them. So I tried to put moisture back into the buds, and now they are this high. The hygrometers have had over 2 weeks to stabilize, so there fine. I'm just trying to get the humidity down without my plants crumbling to dust every time I touch them. That's why I bought the 62 % Boveda packs, thinking that would lower the humidity, and keep them stable at 62%.