New Grower My Giyg Journal

I'll have to move em to another space until I can get proper ventilation for this space. I had raised them up but it was getting too hot in this one.
Well if you can get more light to them it will stop the stretch. But the are up and alive so one of the hardest parts is done.
I thought this thing was dead so I had rolled this in with Grow 2 but it looks like it might be on again.
I guess this is week 3. One of the girls got light drunk and was fallin over so I put to bed in her final growing pot. The solo cup is buried right to the bottom of the pot

Because of the issues I had in grow 1, I'm running 1/2 strength nutes. Noticed in breeders notes for these girls that they like to be fed 2 times a day. I had started doing this and they are out growing my grow 2 girls that were started 2 weeks earlier. Wondering if I should try twice a day with the others. Would be a pita but-----
Day 37 update. Introducing Cookie, my final selection for the battle
Day 51 Krystal seems to be taking it all in stride. Probably should have taken a pic b4 her haircut. Left her alone for 3 days cause of work and extreme tiredness- I don't do well on 2 nights of 4 hour sleep anymore. She had leaves everywhere.
