New Grower My first grow (tips needed)

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Eh up me ol' flowers,
Attempting my first grow soon (once seeds and other shiz arrives) Gunna be growing lowryder #2 (I know, but it's my first grow) Here are the specs, Feel free to comment, Verbally bitch slap and help with some suggestions.

Growing area: PC tower (Lightscape proof and inside painted white), 2 x 12w pc fans, 1x45w (225w actual) red and 1x45w blue cfl's

Medium: JI's #2 (wanna use from seed to harvest this ok? Will it be too hot? Also should i add perlite?)

Nutes: Tomorite

Now as for technique. Germinate between moist paper towels, Once germinated plant straight into 6.5l pots filled with JI #2, water it until soil is nice and moist (not soaking) leave till soil is almost dry (to help roots get some sexy air and move around better) before watering again. after about 4 weeks, maybe add 1/4 strength tomorite if plants start to show nute deficiancy. And, well maybe a flush a week before harvest. Lights (Using both at the same time) will be kept on a 20/4 lightSchedule.
So, How does this sound? Please no haters, I'm fragile.
Sounds like you're over thinking it mate. Get 'em in the ground and then worry about everything else. 99% of success in this is the ability to read your plants, all of the plans you have now will most likely go by the arse side.

Germinate them in the paper towels, stick 'em in the pots, put 'em in your grow room and see how they go. Open a journal so you can get some feedback from the members here.

good luck.
Thanks fella, Once things are set up I shall start a journal. Thanks for taking the time to calm me down
Hi mate i think Lowryder 2 is a great little plant. very forgiving and i have seen some real monsters on here. I have grown a few packs and they have been good to me.

check out this thread by WestVirginiaRebel
and this by MicroGrower

Sorry i cant really give you any help with the nutes but Im sure you will find people here friendly and supportive. I see a lot of people recommending the blue spectrum bulb over the red. Sounds unconventional but the results are out there.

Good luck with the grow bud
Hey Phunky, welcome to AFN. Sounds like you've done some homework before starting your first grow. Cudos for that.

We don't have John Innes here but I did take a look. Judging from what I read, the #1 looks better for seedlings and the #2 better for established plants. Someone else with actual hands on experience may chime in with a more informed opinion. The Tomorite doesn't look like a very good nutrient solution for growing MJ. Not enough N for veg growth and not enough P for flowering. For veg you need something more along the lines of a 10-5-5 and for veg something like a 5-10-10. You probably won't find those exact ratios but look for something similar. Also, I would keep a cal/mag solution on hand. Cal/mag deficiencies are fairly common with autos and better to have it on hand in case you run into one.

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
Y'er alright mate. I was the same when I started myself. I had to have everything planned out week by week before I did anything. This is what happened to me, just so you feel a little more assured :)

I bought a strain called Devilmatic, I bought them mid-september and told the guys I needed an 8 week auto no more. So I get my seeds home and I start growing. About a month in I was like "fuck, these buds are tiny." I gave it another week and was like "fuck, still tiny" then I went through a week or two of wanting to chop them down. I've just started week 8 this week (up on my grow journal under 600w Devilmatic) and it's only this week I can see proper bud growth.

I found out about 3 weeks ago that the strain I have are mostly Mazar, which can take a fucking lifetime to finish flowering. Now I have 16 of these little bitches only 1 of them looks like it might be ready to come down next week (week 9), the other lost are still mostly in veg. That means my autos had a veg time of 2.5 months?!?!?!?!? <---- Seriously not cool.

Now, I can really see the plants filling out and I know I should be rewarded for the extra veg time but when I thought they were supposed to be done in like 60 days I was really worried about bud growth and if I had of had my way I would have chopped the one just finishing now 3 weeks ago and then I would have been seriously disappointed. At this point I'd even leave it another 2 weeks, which would mean a seed to weed time of 10 weeks for one of the plants. No matter which way I cut it I'm still looking at 13 - 14 weeks for the entire crop to be done.

So yeah man, please learn from my mistakes and don't make plans or have expectations. Grow the plant, love the shit out of it and when it's done you'll be rewarded. After all its a great hobby without adding the additional stress to it :)

If you have any other problems give me a shout.

You're not gonna find much hatin' around here... at least, not for long. :D

You're overall plan sounds good and it sounds like you've done some basic research... good for you.

A few questions:

Do you have a pH pen? Way more important than ferts.

What is JI's #2? If it is a pre-ferted mix, it is probably not the best thing for seedlings.

What is Tomorite?

What I do (just one person's way that works): I start my seeds in a paper towel (I will provide more details upon request). After they sprout, I place them in a beer cup full of unferted, pH buffered seedling mix. After showing sex, I transplant into larger pots and begin bloom ferts. I start at 1/4 strength and gradually increase. As you can see... very similar to your plan.

Let me know if I can be of further assistance. :peace:

EDIT: I obviously type way too slow. LOL There were no responses when I started this reply. NOTE: I would pay close attention to what Muddy tells you... disregard any conflicting advice.
hey cant wait to see how u get on, just finished my first grow, made a few mistakes along the way but it was a learning curve,feeling a bit more confident starting my 2nd soon, you'll be grand and you'll have loads of help.
Thanks mate, Alot to think about, will check those links shortly.
Take it EZ!
hey cant wait to see how u get on, just finished my first grow, made a few mistakes along the way but it was a learning curve,feeling a bit more confident starting my 2nd soon, you'll be grand and you'll have loads of help.

Ah a native of my own land :) Only one race of people in the world say grand. Níl aon tintéan mar do thintéan féin eh :P