Dr. Babnik

Virtus ex Alto
Apr 2, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Six Shooter, Black Stone, Stone Dragon, Moroccan and home made hash

This is my first post about my first grow.

I have initiated my first grow. I am growing auto versions of White Widow and Super Skunk.

I would appreciate your comments and advise to my setup and the comments below.

Left side: White Widow - born in natural light. Moved into the tent under 250W cfl afer 1 1/2 week. Both seedlings fell over.

Right side: Super Skunk - in the back born in natural light. Moved into the tent under 250W cfl afer 1 1/2 week. Seedling fell over.
In the front: Born in the tent under artificial light.

In the center, germination of WW and SS.

Left, back has a nick in the stem. I plan to throw it out as it develops extremely slowly.

What about the plants born in natural light, should I throw them out also and start over?

All leafs so far has 3 fingers, not 5. When is 5 fingers expected?

I have a small collection of fertilizers:
Canna Vega and Flores
Starter kit from HESI
Powder Feeding from Greenhouse Seeds Co

As for now, I feed them every second watering, alternating between Canna Vega and Powder Feeding. I use 1/2 recommended dose of Canna Vega and 1/4 of recommended dose of Powder Feed.

Today, when I got the HESI delivered, I gave them the recommended dose of Root Complex and Power Zyme. I added 1 drop of Super Vit to 1,5 L water.

I grow the plants in 50% soil, 25% perlite and 25% vermiculite.
Ligth cycle: 18/6.
Hey Dr, I would tape that Nick in your stem, and the pics didn't come thru that I can see. Other than that unless you are developing nute burn or anything just keep em rolling
Welcome to AFN.Your multiple finger fan leaves will take awhile but they will come.Also make sure you get a ph tester and keep your intake around 6.5.Also get some cal-mag to use when they start to flower.
Thank you, flynfish and namvet25

I will feed lightly. I use 1/4 recommended dose every 3 waterings. All water is supplemented with hesi root complex and hesi power zyme.

I will order Ca-Mg. What should the working consentration of Ca-Mg be? I'm a biochemist and like to have precise measures.
I was thinking of adding dolomite it to the soil, to raise pH, but added some bicarbonate instead.

I will get pH under control.
My collection of nutes...

What would you choose for your self?
I am using 8ml to a gallon of water. However I grow in coco, and am using one 96*3 and a 300 w led panels from Mars hydro. I usually start off with 2ml per gal and work up. This formula is on a photo at the moment, but for autos I use no more than 5 no problems for me yet. Oh and welcome
I use the flora duo 2 part and gh calmag with liquid koolbloom.