Indoor My first grow journal!!!

Apr 28, 2017
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Hello to All,
This is going to be my second auto grow, my first one didn't work out so well but I did learn a lot from my mistakes. Before trying autos I've grown quite a few photos in the past with good results and thought that I could do the same with autos the same way. I was wrong. Now that I have more knowledge and experience with autos I'm ready to try this again:woohoo: and thought that I would share this experience with all of you and get some feedback.

Now on to the grow!!!

4x4x6.5 foot grow tent
2- mars hydro 600w (275w true watt) led lights
400w hps/mh in a cool tube (only if needed)
exhaust fan and charcoal filter bringing air from the room and out a window
Advanced nutrients Jungle Juice grow,micro,bloom with voodoo juice, b52, big bud, overdrive.

I'm going to be growing in dwc with 5 gallon buckets that I'm thinking about cutting a few inches off the top to save on space, water and nutrients. Media will be hydroton.

I ordered from gorilla seed bank whom I am very impressed with, after the transfer went through it took only 8 days to receive the package. Stealth delivery was awesome, seeds came in the breeder packs and the freebies were awesome!! I highly recommend them.

AUTO MAZAR (dutch passion)
AUTO ULTIMATE (dutch passion)
AUTO AK (advanced female seeds)
AUTO MASSASSIN (critical mass)
Now here's the plan, I'm sure that some of you might think its crazy but I feel I need to try it. In a 4x4 tent you usually can fit 4-5 plants comfortable but with my scroging experience with photos I feel that I can fit 10 (yes I said 10) plants in a vertical scrog with 5 buckets (2 on the left wall, 2 on the right and 1 on the back wall) on the floor taking up the first 3 feet of growing space and another 5 in the same pattern above those taking up the last 3 feet. Ive searched all over to find if anyone has ever done a grow like this in a tent with autos and I cant find anyone so any feedback and opinions would be greatly appreciated. The first ones I'm thinking about growing are the Ultimate and the Massassin. I'm germinating in Root Riot cubes then going right into the buckets. I'm going to wait a week or so after germination to start adding nutes (only going to use voodoo juice till then). Using the vertical scrog I feel that I can control the growth enough to allow room for the 10 plants by taking a 4x4 growing area and turning it into a 6.5x12 foot growing area.

Well, that's my crazy idea, maybe not so crazy but I cant seem to find anyone else that documented a grow like that. I would love to hear feedback, comments, opinions and whatever else anyone has to offer. I will be starting my seeds tomorrow or the next day while I finish setting up the tent. I will also be posting photos of the whole grow for everyone to see. .

That's all I have for right now, I will be back in a day or two to post the first pictures of the tent setup.

Nice. Going to follow and hopefully learn the scrog technique. Looking forward to your ladies and good luck! [emoji851]

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Sounds like quite a feat man. I'm diggin your design, best of luck. I'll follow along.
Welcome man! Looks like you've got a nice well thought out setup and you've definitely got some killer genetics! I'm excited for ya bud! Share some pics sometime, we'd love to see dude.

tell you what mate im pulling up a seat for this one. sounds wicked. i havent come across anyone on here doing verticals yet but theres bound to be a couple somewhere. ill have a look later see what i can find. ive got dp a/u on at the minuit. theyre pretty wild. about shit myself when they started growing as i too had only done photos before. should be a good show though mate im looking forward to it ! you might have already done so but if not, go check out a few dp a/u grows. some nutter called ganjamoto managed a kilo from 1 plant and plenty others have made it into the 1 pound club. 10 sounds a tad excessive but ive never tried scrog so i could be wrong. best of luck to you anyway mate. @KushNFT @jingo @epenguin have we got a resident scrog master anywhere?
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hmm no replies. who else might know....
@autobeast your known as pretty vigorous plant abuser, you know anyone thats done vertical scrogg?
i really want to see this work out for you gg mate. its an awesome and impressive way to maximise your space.
@A-Train training is literally your name. you ever tried verticals or can you point in the right direction?
come on guys lets get some expert advice on hand. the gigante cojones are there, we gotta help this guy out. id love to try growing like this but my balls just arent big enough lol.
@budelee im sure your a bdsm fan aswell are you not? any suggestions mate?
Thanks for the info ES, I have heard about the legendary 1k a/u ( that is why it was one of the seeds I chose) but I couldn't find any real info on it. There is a ton of info on his journal.

So apparently my eyes are bigger than my grow tent. As I'm starting to install the ventilation and playing with where the lights are going to go, I realize that I never accounted for space for everything else. I realized that with my current plan of 10 plants I will not have any room to properly place the lights to use their full potential, or any room for the ventilation, or any room what so ever, period. So, given this new reality check I have decided to play it a little safer and go with only 7 plants with the vertical scrog on 2 walls of the tent instead of 3 walls. This is going to give me the room to be able to have more freedom with the light placement.
These are the seeds that I ordered from gorilla seed bank. The ones on the left are what I ordered and the ones on the right are the freebies.

For this grow we are going to use 1-ultimate/ 2-mazar/ 4- massassins.

And this is the tent they are going in. The bottom 3 buckets are going to stay on the floor with 4 more buckets on a rack above them sort of how the 2 are, just 3 feet higher. The single bucket on the back wall will be the Ultimate since it should be the biggest one, the next biggest is the Mazar and they get the other 2 on the floor. The massassins are supposed to be short plants so they get the 4 penthouse apartments, 2 on the left and 2 on the back wall above the ultimate.

We're almost there guys, the girls should be popping their heads up any day now and then its right into the buckets.