New Grower my first grow journal of my first auto's

i have pollinated my 2nd plant for 2nd and last time today so now its waiting for the seeds to come:)

does any of you know what the least time is that they need for seeds to ripe?
as it only flowers for 6 weeks might be short and allread have had 2 weeks now so only 4-5 weeks left normaly..
have allready lengthenned time of lights to 14/10 so they take a bit longer to finish hope that is sufficient and wont get probs with mold or other stuff cause its overipening :)

all help is apreciated :)
Whats going on here? ^_^ whats with the @'s Tetra (something i don't know about)

@blue yeah dude wants his thread moved please n thank ya, :thumbsup: If there is someone more appropriate to ask please say so for future reference:smiley1:
Looking good bellial, couldn't tell you much about lowryder #1 as I've only grown lowryder #2 and some of the 2's got big. Personally I like to keep my lights 20/4 throughout even when flowering and producing seeds, but by the looks of it you're doing great as is.
The amount of hours you give it, doesn't really affect the speed at which it grows.
@blue yeah dude wants his thread moved please n thank ya, :thumbsup: If there is someone more appropriate to ask please say so for future reference:smiley1:

Ahh :) I got it! - Just saw the @blue and no message!
Yeah, i'll give it a go :)

The best way to request a mod action is to send a report - it's a lovely new system that is much easier for us to see what needs to be done (even when a bit stoned lol)

This is my first thread move on the new forum (how exciting) - If it goes wrong ... I'm blaming @tetra :rofl:

Edit: Someone beat me to it! It moved from NGF ... to NGF lol
Ahh :) I got it! - Just saw the @blue and no message!
Yeah, i'll give it a go :)

The best way to request a mod action is to send a report - it's a lovely new system that is much easier for us to see what needs to be done (even when a bit stoned lol)

This is my first thread move on the new forum (how exciting) - If it goes wrong ... I'm blaming @tetra :rofl:

Edit: Someone beat me to it! It moved from NGF ... to NGF lol
:LOLStoned::joy: LOL thanks Blue
i have pollinated my 2nd plant for 2nd and last time today so now its waiting for the seeds to come:)

does any of you know what the least time is that they need for seeds to ripe?
as it only flowers for 6 weeks might be short and allread have had 2 weeks now so only 4-5 weeks left normaly..
have allready lengthenned time of lights to 14/10 so they take a bit longer to finish hope that is sufficient and wont get probs with mold or other stuff cause its overipening :)

all help is apreciated :)
Are you isolating certain branches for pollination or the whole plant ? i hear the seeds will mature in 3-6 weeks, and you can tell they're done when the calyx split.
@Tetra9 i have pollinated all but main cola all lower branches are pollinated.. i hope to get a good few seeds off them but dunno what to expect cause with the regs i bred i waited till buds were bigger before pollinating and these are only tiny buds so hope to get about 50-100 a plant..

@dedereweko are you sure they wont take longer to finnish cause i read that on a forum (not sure if it was here or another) that you can lengthen the time autos take to finnish a bit by lowerring the amount of hours a day light so it has about a week longer to ripen the seeds... if you are right then lights go back to 20/4 again for more bud :)
i have only seen pictures of lowryder#1 on forums but most i have seen were pheno of one small stem with one cola and few side branches sometimes even none.. 3 out of 5 of my plants are alleady 50cms or over and the two others are short but bushy ... thats why i doubt so much these are really lowryders but i guess since the suplier doesnt react anymore its nouse and will never know for sure :)

@blue thx for the help blue even if it was to the samesection you still did your first move ;)
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thx dedereweko,

i have read the entire post (more than once actualy) but i think this holds more information about personal likings and not as much based on proven methods

i also tried to search for a thread that i have read about growing seeds in breeders corner about the shortening of lights and extending flowerring time with it.
but somehow i cant find it so it was either on another forum or it isnt there anymore.. maybe due to forum transfer not sure if all topics have been moved or only a certain part:)

have em still on 14/10 so if someone could clear this up for me it would be very usefull..
questiion is if turning lights to 14 hours a day instead of 18 or 20 hours has any benefits on the duration of flowering time so seeds have a bit more time to mature

@dedereweko do you have that from own experience m8 or is it oppinion? if its experience i think its best to put em back to 18 hours dont you think??
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here are some pictures of the ladies..

still not going really good (yellow leaves not sure of what prob might be) but overall i am satisfied with how they look so far :D

day 39
LR05 (they most goodlooking of the 3, and mother of many soon to be newborn)
LR05 19-05-2015-3.jpg


LR06 also polinated and pheno is more bushy and less height have pollinated this one with smallest male hoping for more smaller phenos from that one...
LR06 19-05-2015-1.jpg

LR06 19-05-2015-4.jpg

and the 3rd and final lady:)...not polinated and hope to get some smoke to test the streain as ive never smoked it so bit curious :)
LR01 19-05-2015-5.jpg

and here are all 3 girls in one look :) am not sure if im on the right track at day 39 i would have thought they would have been more developed.. any comments on that would be very apreciated ;)
LR all 3 19-05-2015-1.jpg

thats all for today .. will make some new pics in a couple of days :) sorry bout the poor quality but are taken with phone as my camra broke and am still looking for replacement ;)