Dutch Passion my first grow journal by smokerjoker

SJ I think that they could go alot longer, you probably have at least another month, hate to say it, but you are going to have some PLANTS on your hands, there is alotta frost and there is pleanty of growing left to happen!! Hold off on the knife for a while!!!!
What do you mean "had a big drop in pH/maybe they'll start fattening up"

I'm not following SJ..

Peace out homie.
Or are you talking about those younger plants??
the blueberries dropped their ph the airpots are because of you kush when one of your yum yums lets say had a nasty end and tony said they were the hardest i done the airpots for back up. 1 td 1 pl and 1 m:peace: sj
got some big jars ready SJ? You may need them
thanks tony im hoping i have to make a trip to ikea for more jars.

sry kush didnt explain that well, read on seymores thread that a sharp decline in ph can be the plant telling you its ready for the next stage,:smokebuds: sj