New Grower My first Grow and Grow Log- auto mazar

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Ok then fingers crossed.. they all look the same just those two were the pics i got..
Today i splased out and bought a metal halide 250w bulb, philips son t it says on box. also bought general hydrophonics 3 part nutes, micro,grow,bloom and a cheap liquid ph tester until i splash out and buy a 3 function ph meter. anyway the mh bulb whack out way more heat and looks like more light too. gonna use the mh bulb fro a week or two to see for my own eyes if theres any differnece in growth rate ect. and gonna start ph all my nutrient mixed water from now on and also check runoff. since i overwaterd them at the begining i never really have watered them enough to have runoff, which i will do now, all on a schedual hopefully, also does any on e have any reviews of the GHE 3 PART NUTRIENTS
two days ago i flushed my plants as they looked sick, now all three seem to be growing well again. when iiwent to grow this morn i was greeted with a lovely smell, faint but lovely. One of the three is a confirmed female, i am almost certain the other two are but i will see in the next couple of days.. happy days.. now just have to wait for them to dry out and give them a proper feed of ghe nutes :booya:
Two confirmed females now, holding out for the third. im sure its female.. hope it is its the best plant .. half the battle won so far:toke:
mine smell quiet stongly but not of weed, although they have started to grow upwards again, will stick some pics up this w.e
hows your's doing now sto ? i need pics :D
ok i got a question regarding sexing of plants.. i beleive that i have three females, 3/3 , 2 im positive of, and the third has just shown the most micro of hairs, looking with a mag glass.. now my question is, may it be a stupid one, the two that sexed first sexed together, now the third which is a bigger bushier stronger plant with more vigorous growth has taken 6/7 more days to show what i think to be female. does this mean that the third plant if female will be a better yielding plant? or a super auto ? or just slower going into flower ? will take pics at weekend or maybe sooner. really am glad at how two of them have come on considering the last pics i took they were looking to be on the way out to me. :smokebuds:
Even seeds of the same strain can germ and show sex at different times. Usually the ones that take a little longer to show sex take a little longer to finish. Your third one may be a bush pheno. If so, it probably will get bigger and yield a little more.
cheers muddy.. another week and i think they all be in flower mode properly
well one of my plants still refuses to show any sign of sex!! the other two have had pistals for going on near two weeks now, and the one that is not showing is a better pheno with lots of side branching, idk ??
Could be that it won't auto, but I don't remember hearing about any issues with Auto Mazar not autoing. If it doesn't show soon you may have to switch it to 12/12 to get it to flower.