New Grower My first gardening adventure

They are far enough along to get some feed. I grew about 18 various autoflowering plants last Summer. Grew 2/3rds of them outside. I killed off a few with nutes too early but yours are past that point.

I had one photoperiod plant I grew outdoors right in soil, sandy soil amended with cheap potting soil and worm dirt from a nightcrawler grower down the road from me. I didn't think the plant would mature before freezing weather up near Canada so I didn't waste many of my expensive nutrients on it.

I fertilized that one photoperiod plant with urine by taking a leak on the ground under it while doing yard work. I had Canadian geese crapping in my yard all Summer so I'd clean it up and dump it under my plant and work it into the soil. I also had deer crapping in my yard and used some of that. I also dumped a bag of composted cow manure in the hole before transplanting.

The plant got huge and I had to bend limbs down all Summer to keep it below my six foot fence as a road goes within 30 yards from my grow area. Legal to grow but can not be seen by public. I got a pound of bud out of that plant with no special nutrients. Lost some late harvested buds to rot after 7 days of no sun and constant rain.

Next time try planting right in the ground after adding soil amendments. Easier to water the plant deeply so you don't have to water everyday and the roots can grow deeper.

We are expecting visitors this week who may not appreciate the girls so I put them in pots so they can be moved to a more discrete place, being that it is sort of illegal... the long term plan is to build a garden bed with other herbs and veggies so that on a cursory glance they will not be noticed, then I will plant them direct in the ground.
Hi mate ... sorry I missed your post about going away ... one of the things I used to do if I'm going away is get a couple of 2l bottles and poke a couple of small holes in them near the bottom where the (legs?) of the bottle come down .. you then put the lid on good and tight and stick it in the pot with the holes of the bottle just below the surface ... 2 bottles will weep just enough to last you a couple of days though since your talking wet seasons get a tap timer and a sprinkler for when you go away .. set it for like 3 times a day for like 1 min or so ... whatever you reckon the girls need .. as long as it can drain away from the base and they dont get wet feet( they hate wet feet) .


All turned out good the weather was helpful, little bit of rain, little bit of sunshine.

So far they have only had rain or creek water so I am not keen to change that to town water if I can avoid it. Her-indoors wants me to put in some water tanks to water the grass and the gardens so when that happens the whole garden should be easier to manage, being that I am lazy.
that being said .. you never get calcium deficiencies when you water with town water :crying:
Week 8

Went from weeks of hot weather with a little bit of rain, to more consistent wet weather. Managed a short break in the weather to take some photos.

So far all I have done is give them rain water plus one very weak dose of seasol, but I did notice some of the leaves are looking paler and some even a bit yellow. Not sure weather to feed them or let them go au naturel.




To my completely untrained eye it looks like one big bud and a few very small ones, and they look OK.




This plant got trained a little more and now seems to have lots of little bud sites that are starting to take off.
Week 9

Now the bit where I need help and advise. When to harvest? Will try and take better photos in the next few days.

Been getting a bit of rain, especially at night so been trying to keep the girls out of the rain where possible,


The breeders data states reading in as little as 70 Days, so a week or more to go. But then they say 8 to 10 weeks flower time so that would mean a few more weeks? I am a little confused.

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According to the breeders data seed to harvest 65 days, but again 8 to 10 weeks flower time, so could be ready soon, but I think they have still more time to go.

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Week 10

This week there has really been some hot and humid weather. Both plants have been sucking up the water, and a lot of the leaves are going yellow and dying off. Are they ready to harvest?



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  • Mango-5.jpg
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Final Result

Both plants have now been cut, trimmed and dried.

AK47 - 7 Grams dried plus some trim and popcorn buds I gave away.

Mango - 14 grams dried plus trim and popcorn buds which I turned into butter for edibles. It made two lots of butter, i used one lot to make 12 brownies to help me sleep. So far 1/4 of a brownie lets my pains go away and I sleep through so really happy. Haven't tried one during the day......

Overall really happy with how it went, outdoor grow, creek water, no nutrients, no special soils and a trouble free grow.