New Grower My first Auto Fem grows both Outdoor/Indoor

Jun 2, 2020
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High all!

This is my first ever efforts at growing feminized autoflowering plants. I've grown out some autos for breeding seeds before but wasn't doing it for yields. I live way up in northern Alberta and photo plants won't even begin flowering until mid-Aug and we've had frost before the end of Aug so that doesn't work. Grew my first buds back in '78 from 4 strains of bagseed then on and off over the decades until I moved up here in '01 with 6 rooted hash plant clones and not a day has passed since that I haven't had pot plants growing in my house. Lots of DWC, soil/soilless trying every technique for training, feeding etc and do best using either DWC or soilless with ProMix HP and hydro nutes.

I'm going to grow 4 plants outside of two auto fem strains from a breeder known as Sebring based in WA. One strain is a hi-CBD very low, (<1%), THC one called Earth Lover.

CBD to THC: 20:1, 21% CBD, 1% or less THC

Profile: sweet, fruity flavor, followed by hints of ginger and undertones of pine

Maturity: 80 days

Yield: Moderate to High

The other is called Loco-Mota and is all THC of unknown levels.

Grape Walker Kush X Devil Ryder [ Lowryder 2 X The Devil ] by ReikoX

Profile: TBD

Maturity: 80 days

Yield: High

I planted 4 of each by scarifying in a pill jar lined with 150 sandpaper for 2 full minutes then planting directly into ProMix HP that I'd previously blended with some store bought composted steer and sheep manures plus some earth worm castings. A cup each of all three into each 10L of ProMix. and made about 60L for a previous crop and have maybe 10L left.

Seeds went into the mix on June 13 at 8pm and 5 were up 3.5 days later and the very last came up just shy of a full week so 100% germination. Two of each will be going outside and the others will be grown indoors for breeding more using STS to make more fem seeds of the same.

I meant to plant them directly into the ground outside around the 7th but the weather has been horrible and they for sure would have died but it's getting better. The 8x8' plot I'm growing them in will be rigged to enclose in plastic in the evenings before the weather gets too chilly as it's a bit of a late start.

My little girls today.


Wish me luck! The good kind. ;)

High all!

This is my first ever efforts at growing feminized autoflowering plants. I've grown out some autos for breeding seeds before but wasn't doing it for yields. I live way up in northern Alberta and photo plants won't even begin flowering until mid-Aug and we've had frost before the end of Aug so that doesn't work. Grew my first buds back in '78 from 4 strains of bagseed then on and off over the decades until I moved up here in '01 with 6 rooted hash plant clones and not a day has passed since that I haven't had pot plants growing in my house. Lots of DWC, soil/soilless trying every technique for training, feeding etc and do best using either DWC or soilless with ProMix HP and hydro nutes.

I'm going to grow 4 plants outside of two auto fem strains from a breeder known as Sebring based in WA. One strain is a hi-CBD very low, (<1%), THC one called Earth Lover.

CBD to THC: 20:1, 21% CBD, 1% or less THC

Profile: sweet, fruity flavor, followed by hints of ginger and undertones of pine

Maturity: 80 days

Yield: Moderate to High

The other is called Loco-Mota and is all THC of unknown levels.

Grape Walker Kush X Devil Ryder [ Lowryder 2 X The Devil ] by ReikoX

Profile: TBD

Maturity: 80 days

Yield: High

I planted 4 of each by scarifying in a pill jar lined with 150 sandpaper for 2 full minutes then planting directly into ProMix HP that I'd previously blended with some store bought composted steer and sheep manures plus some earth worm castings. A cup each of all three into each 10L of ProMix. and made about 60L for a previous crop and have maybe 10L left.

Seeds went into the mix on June 13 at 8pm and 5 were up 3.5 days later and the very last came up just shy of a full week so 100% germination. Two of each will be going outside and the others will be grown indoors for breeding more using STS to make more fem seeds of the same.

I meant to plant them directly into the ground outside around the 7th but the weather has been horrible and they for sure would have died but it's getting better. The 8x8' plot I'm growing them in will be rigged to enclose in plastic in the evenings before the weather gets too chilly as it's a bit of a late start.

My little girls today.

View attachment 1205563

Wish me luck! The good kind. ;)

Sounds great! I’ll be following... :biggrin:
Actual planting porn!
Finally got off my ass two days ago and dug some holes in the hard, mostly clay soil in the garden to fill with a decent blend.

Started off digging 4 holes then decided to join them all with slots between so water could move around. Ended up with a big moat with a pillar in the middle and lobes on each corner. Mixed the soils up on a sheet of plastic and used all sorts of stuff. A 112L bale of ProMix Veg&herb, 50L bag of general purpose potting soil. Used ProMix HP that had added manures and stuff in it for another 100L or so.

The whole area around the plants will be set up to plastic it all in for nasty weather and later for heat retention if the frost threatens to hit before they are finished. Ideally I would have had them sprouted by the first of June and in the ground no later than the 14th. So they are 17 days behind schedule but weather being what it is . . .


Goodies added.

3 - 4gal pails of well aged chicken and general compost. That's the back half of the chicken coop, the run, for the wife's 40 odd birds behind the hole.

4 fistfuls each of:
Dolomitic lime
Agricultural gypsum
Blood meal
Bone meal
Insect Frass
Frittered trace elements
Crab and lobster shell, (5-3-0) more like 8 fistfuls of this.
Carbo, pure dextrose for the Myco-biom

Last week I had to go to the city for an MRI and picked up some myco product at the grow store called DynoMyco. Made in Israel after 30 years of research on what strains work best for cannabis. Not cheap but my buddy there who is a real pro swears by it and bought the big bag for $100. I just got the smaller one for now. I put only 4tsp into all that soil but added some Carbo to get them fed. I meant to put some in each of the little holes I made to drop the seedlings in but forgot. Tomorrow I'll mix some up with water and inject it into the base of each to inoculate the roots.

DynoMyco01.JPG DynoMyco02.JPG

I had bought a big pail of bio-char last year and forgot to add it to the mix then decided I needed more soil as it barely came up to ground level so came up with the idea of putting 4gal plant pots between each hole then filling that space with some more used promix and some virgin to top it up.

That meant digging it all out and mixing in the bio-char as I went then refilling. Doing this just at noon too and it was clear and hot with hardly a breeze. Fuck! lol


I wrapped a 50' soaker hose around the hole while the pots were still in for easy watering. It's our dugout water tho and about 400ppm and pH 8 so may be still using RO water for half of my water needs as we go along. Not quite finished laying it out and digging it in at this point.


Being worried about the little babies survival chances out there with 3 cats who seem to love pot leaves I came up with this idea. I wrapped 4 tomato cages with plastic screen tied on with baling wire and set them upside down over the girls. Supposed to get thunderstorms tomorrow so will have to rig a plastic sheet over them if it looks bad. Often get quarter sized hail with those damn storms and a big heavy dump of rain. Got enough water in there now and drainage sucks.

You can barely see them in there but they're there and doing good 4 hours after their 3pm planting. I mixed up a 4L jug of 1/4 strength Greenleaf MegaCrop 2.0 and 4ml of REMO VeloKelp to water the tops and soak the plug in good. Fingers crossed!

The Earth Lover, (hi-CBD) ones are on the left, (south end), with the green fat popsicle sticks with the name and date/time marked on them and the Loco-Mota THC ones on the right.


All four sprouted on July 17 so 12 days old and tossed out of the nest. I used 'B' and 'D' of both strains. So the 'A's and 'C's will be repotted into 1gal pots and raised indoors with 20+ others I have vegging now. I'll be hitting some of them with STS to get me some female pollen and make lots more seeds from these ones. I'm saying 20+ as I still have 6 rooted clones of Monkey Banana Kush I potted last week in intensive care to see if they grow well enough to take out of the dome. 3 have made it so far and one up and died. I used a bit of that myco stuff on their bare roots when I potted them so again, fingers crossed, tho as long as one survived out of the 10 then I can always make more.

I said screw it and mixed up 1tsp of the myco in 120ml of RO water and went out and injected 30mls into the base of each plug. They actually floated up a bit so I know I swamped their roots. They all had a nice root mass going on as well when I planted them. No wind at all and the big golden bodied mosquitoes were out in full force! There's no other scitters out then as these bastards eat them all! lol Man did I work fast and couldn't have been more than 4 min. Got 4 bites on my face and a few more on my legs. I get huge welts that itch for hours and 3" around is all red if left untreated for more than 10 min. Thank Jah for my Benadryl dauber pen!


Pray for me my friends. Any god of your choosing will be fine. Whole new territory for me.
As a minister of the Universal Life Church since 1978 all denominations are heartily welcomed!

A minor update and a concern.

One of the Loco-Mota indoor ones is growing a bud on top and damned if it doesn’t look like male flowers forming! It’s early yet but take a look and see what you think.


One of the outdoor ones looks to be doing the same.


For feminized autos this is not a good sign. None of the rest including the Earth Lovers are showing any signs of flowering yet which is good. If they do turn out to be boys then I guess I’ll make some regular seeds with them

Hardly big enough to see but all are doing OK outside but have been spending too much time under plastic because of the shitty weather.


The indoor ones are actually getting a bit bigger as they are getting a lot more light. They spend 18 hours under the MH light then get hauled upstairs to sit in the shop window from 10am-4pm in the sun while the light is off downstairs.


All for now!

Dang man yeah the top two def look like they are full on males. That sucks. Honestly since you put so much effort into the outdoor ones I would pull it and replant with a female. The outdoor one def has balls though.
Dang man yeah the top two def look like they are full on males. That sucks. Honestly since you put so much effort into the outdoor ones I would pull it and replant with a female. The outdoor one def has balls though.

I put a shout-out to the breeder to see if he's got any feedback on those ones. The pack definitely says Auto Fem on it so it's a bit odd. I'll pull the male outside if that's what it really is but I'll keep the possible girl in the pot for breeding purposes. It'll get STS treatment and I'll grow out some more from seed to get decent females to pollinate with fem pollen and try to get a true fem batch going for next year. Hopefully the other one out there is a girl so I can see how it grows and whether the bud is worth making more seeds for it. I wanted a good THC auto fem so may have to shop around for some.

It's those ones on the top right that are showing up maleish.

