You sir ROCKED IT!! I am so stoked you are another that is coming to the super dark side. DP genetics,RDWC and HPS(that is exactly what I am doing) That AutoUltimate is monster, but as you have probably seen Mr Ganjamotos done in RDWC was a single plant at 1000 g's. I know you will be right up there with him as well. I loved growing in soil but the overall growth mutation that occurs in RDWC is magical and I think you will be amazed!
Again GREAT job, and such an honor to get a write up on DP's site. DP's genetics are the best on the planet hands down IMO. I hope to see my pics on their site(I am totally jealous)
Arhhh brother Decker... Thanks my good man
Yea King Ganjamoto surely took instructions from a higher power.
Im really looking forward to hydro. Watch this space and keep in touch...