Indoor My easy ryder

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Do i put the prob at the base of the plant in the shade? outside the plant half way up the plant in the light? or above the plant foliage under the light? thanks all.

i decided after looking around to put it inside the plant out of direct light about half way up the plant with the thermostat set to 78 max.

oh, im not too worried about the top of the plant getting too hot. Im using 4 - 23 watt 100watt equivelant 2700ks and 4 - 23 watt 100watt equivelant 5000ks and one 15watt red and blue led floodlight type bulb. the led buld gives off no heat at all, and the cfls are all 3-4 inches away from the plant. I can touch them all without any real heat from the glass. the bases get a little hot though. the plant and bulbs all have a fan blowing on them as well. there is also a ceramic reptile heater running 250watts on a helix thermostat set to 78 degrees max. its like 2 feet above and a foot away from the plant so it just adjust room temp when lights go out. it doesnt give any direct heat onto the plant itself. My easy ryder auto is doing awesome. its only 22 days old and over a foot tall with 8+ large side branches with multi bud spots on each and they areall nearly even in height with the main center branch. im really impressed. nice thick stem. strong branches. started fruiting about 4 days ago. lights are on a timer with 20/4 since day 1.

since i know your all Nymphotos, here ya go. I know i should have som wall covering like mylar, but its only one plant and has plenty of light already. so much light i have 8 pepperplants growing around it... sorry the pics are bad, only have cameraphone.

4.jpg 3.jpg2.jpg
hey, im assuming this is for a thermostat..
i would put the probe at the closest part of the plant to the light as this is what you have to worry about regardless of if it seems it or not. even if you dont have problems with heat theres no point putting it lower where the temps will be obviously lower no matter what atleast this way you take away the chance and and when the lights are off it will still regulate it fine from there.
(someone chime in and correct me if the probe will just retain much more heat just mine seems fine and doesnt)

where is the heat blowing? it looks like it blows right onto the plant is all in that third shot.

plant looks good .
thanks, the heater is no where near the plant, thats the fan. the heater is wa above the plant facing down. its from one of my reptile cages. its a ceramic bulb type heater on a thermosat. its not in the pics anywhere. i think your right. i may put it back where i had it. right next to the plant around the top of it. its a black probe and i just wonder if it reads higher temps cause its black. i mean i feel no heat at all when i put my hand between the lights and the plant but the thermostat (and this is an expesive pro thermostat) read like 83 when the lights are on and its in direct light.
ah i know the ones i have one myself from an old lizard.
true, im not sure, maybe if you can find a few other (non black) thermometers to check it with place them all in the same spot thats lit and see if theres a large difference.

i dont know how powerful your fan is but i had some problems with leaves drying out because of mine, just if you see anything weird like that id point the fan at a wall or indirectly blowing on it etc. im sure this is uncommon though.
i know what you mean. there are a few smaller plants in there with it and they dry out quick, but its seems to be because there soil level is level with the top of the pot. the ez soil is a few inches below the top and stays moist. i should have reversed that above, the fan actually is blowing into the corner so air comes over the plant giving it a little motion but not to harsh then shoots up the corner to the ceiling.