Dragon Med Tester
well heres my dirty babys i have 8 total all sprouted on the 25th of february started in 32 oz cups in straight promix hp as well as 9 Giggle Juice they are under my bad boy t5 20/4 light sched . they will be fed the Advanced Nutrients Sensi grow and bloom ph perfect as well as a bunch of additives i just picked up some voodoo juice so i am excited to see how that works . I am beyond excited to grow these strains i feel like its been long over due i hope i get some colors ..oh and the giggle juice that do not auto will be grown outside on a friends property so i will keep updates with those as well just not as often. And i know i will be super lucky to get 1 auto out of 9 but i have good luck so we will see
heres the durty babys at 12 days
heres the durty babys at 12 days