Indoor My DIY scrubber and grow box. Need help and suggestions!


Freaky Bush Lady Doctor
Aug 24, 2012
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Hello I made a scrubber for my 2 -25 gallon totes ( 1 stacked over the other) in which I used some chunky carbon activate and created the pencil holder DIY scrubber that I found online. I am using a 4" usb metal desk fan from Walmart that I Retro fitted in my box as a exhaust. My question is what are the best options for me. I don't think the fan is powerful enough to push through the scrubber. I will post pics below but I am going to need some good suggestions on how to control odor. I am going to be planting 1 l lady at the time but need to control odor in my apartment. Thanks everyone.

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Well first off you should be pulling through the filter not pushing through it ( filter inside fan outsidedrawing from the box)
Try one of the squar computer case fans as that small of box does not need high CFM draw and dont forget your inlet for
cirulation there you can also use a small cpu fan.:2cents:


Nice job on the filter I also made one of those great for small boxes:thumbs:
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Hey thanks for the reply. What if I use a 6 inch duct flex pipe onto the fan and in the other end add my carbon filter so the fan has enough circulation through the flex pipe and hopefully the carbon filter does its job?? For a better visual I'm thinking!

Fan ----- 3ft duct ------ filter
The other plan was to add a small computer fan at the end of the duct on the filter to help it push air through. Although I know its not good to push through a scrubber but working with the space I have this is the only option
You may or may not have an issue running two fans in the same line. Which one has the higher CFM?
The in line one may not help much then. But give it a try and see how it works out.
dankOr you might be better served to check in the DIY section and search there,
Like Muddy says you can run into problems running two fans on the same line.

Looking at your pics it seems to me that you could remove the fan mounted in the top box inside and
drop your pencil cup filter thru from the out side ang use the type of fan I mention in the earlier post
just get a fan the is a little larger than the cup opening.
