New Grower my autos----first time grow


Dragon Addiction Councellor
Aug 28, 2011
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100_3290.jpg100_3287.jpg100_3288.jpgdont know anything about the seed other than they are autos.showed male sex at 17 days , female ,hairs at 24 days.this is at around 40 days old .3 females ---1 was polonated for seed. still not sure on ferts yet.i have applied 1/3 dose of bloom buster 2 times in 20 days---it recomended 1 teaspoon per gallon.didnt want to burn up plant never used product before.these are in 5 gallon buckets fancy soil.i used alittle garden soil,a half bucket of promix and i have a small compost pile from my waste.----how do they look?------when would they be ready 5 weeks 6 weeks ?
Welcome to AFN little T...Some of the more knowledgeable guys will be around soon to advise..... looking good so far....They should really bust a move for ya the next 3-4 weeks....Does your soil mix drain well? Which nutes are you using?
welcome to the forum and to the world of autos!! Im not sure on the when they'll be ready question but am looking forward to seeing from you when theyre ready! looking good so far

thanks guys

a friend of a friend came by going to fla a few months ago.he lives in calif.he grows medical.he gave my friend a handfull of seeds and said try them out.he said 60 days but i think he grows inside.all i know about seed.i mixxed soil up with what i had around the house.i m amazed every time i see them 40 days they are hawllin ass.never seen a plant grow this fast.ferts are slim.i went to lowes and bought bloombuster.have used 1/3 of strenth 2 times .they look pretty and green so i must be doing ok huh!an yes the soil drains very good.5 days ago i had to sit the plants in 5 gallon buckets.were in 1an 1/2 gal pots root bound to the t.could lift from pot and never loose 1 spec of soil.i didnt disturb roots at all.i filled 5 gallon bucket half full then set plants with out pots in buckets ---watered good and backfilled into 5 gallon bucket.was told never transplant but knew i needed to do something.seems to be jumping pretty good.
Oh yes, I'd say you're doing quite well!....I love to see autos go through their almost vicious explosion of growth....I keep a pic log just to study each one and after all these years of growing autos, I'm still stunned at just how quck ya can be enjoying the fruits of ya labor! Good growing....
i wish i had took a pic every 3 or 4 days during growth just to see how fast it did jump.hope to do that from now on.ill keep posting pics durning the next few weeks.
Looking good so far, congrats. Yes, you should be ready to harvest in 5-6 weeks. You'll know it's time when all the fan leaves have yellowed and died off and the bud leaves are yellowing. A pretty good flowering nutrient that you can get at Lowes is Better-Gro Orchid Bloom Booster. Feed it at a rate of 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water at every feeding.

Also, moved your thread to the New Growers Forum.

how often ?i water every or 4 days when should i fertilize?weekly---byweekly whats your opinion on this--i have bloombuster as you speak of.i have used 2 times in 25 days 1/3 strenth every 2 weeks
100_3296.jpg100_3297.jpg100_3300.jpg100_3294.jpghere we are 6 days later and new pics this morning---how they lookin guys? to try something differant i tied 1 plant down its last pic