New Grower Mutant seedling

Aug 21, 2014
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Barney's Farm LSD seed, soaked approx 12 hours in water + HG Roots Excelurator, then put in Root Riot cube, surfaced after 3 days (I pushed it a tad too deep) with a healthy tap root poking out of the bottom of the cube...
IMG_20150110_213444372 - Copy.jpg
This is how the upper part of the sprout looks like - it has been like this since this morning, no activity whatsoever all day and no change. There are no cotyledons and no leaves - just 2 curled 'tips/branches'. (there is a droplet in between them on the picture) They are yellow with purple spots. The sprout is very pale yellow - not greening up and not reacting to light that has been on for 10 hours now.

Has any of you ever seen anything like this?
Should I scrap it straight away or is there a chance this will amount to something? :dunno:

I have to say I'm disappointed, Barney's Farm is a reputable breeder, but I can't imagine it's something I did as this is how it emerged from seed. :no: (temps 20-25c, rh 70+)

(sorry for my fingers in the pic, camera wouldn't focus otherwise)
You can try leaving it and see what it does.
The picture is really blurry so I can't really tell how she looks.
have you tried switching your camera options to very close objects? (the flower symbol on your camera, or if you use your phone it might have it in settings somewhere)
get it to focus at a decent range, put her into photoshop and zoom the picture then render the picture with the zoom , bam post her up . then we can see this little monsta
or even its free bro
My phone camera is very bad, apologies.
Here is a quick explanation of the picture :roflcry:

01 - Copy.png

This is just very strange, those twisty things don't look like cotyledons at all, they are cylindrical not flat, and pointy at the end, almost like another root, but without any fuzziness. Never seen anything like this!
ahah i love the drawing man ! My newly poped auroras looked really fucked up at this stage. but the paleness tells me she's incomplete , defect from birth , my night queens did this :( they never grew
Do you have room for another plant?
You might start a new seed and see what happens with this one?
If it does nothing/dies throw it in the thrash or give it a small funeral.
if it starts growing who knows might be the best weed you ever had in the end right?
Thanks for the replies guys, unfortunately as I don't really have the space for a second plant I decided to soak another bean - Dutch Passion does not mess about, it sank to the bottom after 4 hours with a tap root already peeking out! Already a fan.

I took the time to do a post-mortem section of the mutant.. I found the cotyledons still in the seed in the ground, covered in some sort of muck. So it looks like the mutation was that cotyledons got separated from the rest and only the tip of the plant peeked up - very strange! Anyways hope that DP bean does not take after his predecessor, thanks for your help anyways and peace to all :vibes:
ahah i second that peach , my BV's germed in 24 hours with one inch tap roots , now they grow strong in the tent. <3 :) i give you all my good karma friend ! keep us posted on those DP seedlings !
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