Barney's Farm LSD seed, soaked approx 12 hours in water + HG Roots Excelurator, then put in Root Riot cube, surfaced after 3 days (I pushed it a tad too deep) with a healthy tap root poking out of the bottom of the cube...

This is how the upper part of the sprout looks like - it has been like this since this morning, no activity whatsoever all day and no change. There are no cotyledons and no leaves - just 2 curled 'tips/branches'. (there is a droplet in between them on the picture) They are yellow with purple spots. The sprout is very pale yellow - not greening up and not reacting to light that has been on for 10 hours now.
Has any of you ever seen anything like this?
Should I scrap it straight away or is there a chance this will amount to something? :dunno:
I have to say I'm disappointed, Barney's Farm is a reputable breeder, but I can't imagine it's something I did as this is how it emerged from seed. :no: (temps 20-25c, rh 70+)
(sorry for my fingers in the pic, camera wouldn't focus otherwise)

This is how the upper part of the sprout looks like - it has been like this since this morning, no activity whatsoever all day and no change. There are no cotyledons and no leaves - just 2 curled 'tips/branches'. (there is a droplet in between them on the picture) They are yellow with purple spots. The sprout is very pale yellow - not greening up and not reacting to light that has been on for 10 hours now.
Has any of you ever seen anything like this?
Should I scrap it straight away or is there a chance this will amount to something? :dunno:
I have to say I'm disappointed, Barney's Farm is a reputable breeder, but I can't imagine it's something I did as this is how it emerged from seed. :no: (temps 20-25c, rh 70+)
(sorry for my fingers in the pic, camera wouldn't focus otherwise)