Dragon Meds Mumbling Dragon

Day 19
Mumbling Dragon


Had problems with thrips!! I made the mistake of bringing in one of my mint plants from outside :face::cuss: and had them all in the 2 pots. I clean out everything, made a mix of need seed oil, dish soap and warm water and sprayed down all the plants. I'll be doing this for 2-3 weeks. I also cut off all leaves that had the white spots and all leaves that had black and whites spots under the leaves.

Day 17
:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss: Damn thrips!! Well they really f'ed everything up!! Then when I went to water the other day I drop the pot!!
:yoinks: plants came out the pot. Had to put 2 in a different pot.

I'll let them ride it out but dont think I'll do this again.
Dont know yet. I got a few plants growing in there with them. Was thinking of crossing the Mumbling Dragon with Strawberry Nugges and the Black Cream.
Day 37 Mumbling Dragon

This one is in a different soil. It was a blend of 2 gallons ffof, 2 gallons ffhf, 1 gallon compost, and 1 gallon perlite. Same soil I got going on battle plant. Was top dress this morning with 50/50 mix of dr. earth products.


Day 35 Amethyst male


Had to move him out the closet as he is close to dropping pollen.
@Fitzy when would be a good time to collect the pollen?

This morning


This afternoon


I dont see any pollen on the leaves yet. Just trying to gage a good time as my Black Cream and Strawberry Nuggs just start to flower.
