Indoor Muddy's BOM Prize Grow


Proud deplorable!
Jan 7, 2011
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
OG Kush, Deep Cheese, Key Lime
As the title says, this grow is seeds I received for winning the Aug. BOM contest. I've got 1 Black Betty and 2 Samuria Jacks. I thought I had 3 female SJs but one turned out to be a late male that didn't expose himself till day 28. I also had a few Pakistani Ryder seeds I've had for over 3 years that I wanted to grow in the hopes of getting at male and female so I could do a seed run. Unfortunately, only 1 germed, but at least it's a female. They were started back on Oct. 29, so are 5 weeks, 2 days.

All the plants are being grown in Pro Mix HP with epsom salts, blood, bone and kelp meal, micronized humates and minerals, and sulfur. The base mixture pHed to 6.4, so the sulfur was added to lower it. Unfortunately I overshot my mark and gave them a little to much. I was shooting for a pH of 5.5 in veg but ended up at 5.3. The SJs were fed today and given 1/2 teaspoon of hydrated lime per gallon to raise it up a little. The BBs will get the same treatment the next feeding. My plan was to run them at 5.5 in veg and then up the pH to 5.8 in flower. So far the low pH doesn't seem to be bothering them. Growth has been good.

As you can see I over fed the PR. It wasn't till I moved it out from under the LED to take the pictures that I saw how deep green the leaves are. I flushed it 3 days ago and will only give it pHed water it's next feeding as well. I was a little surprised since I've only given it 1 half strength feeding. Everything before was 1/4.

So far they have been feed the General Organics Biothrive Grow and Marine, along with some humic acid. I was planning on using the Biothrive for flowering but may order some AN tomorrow after seeing the results Jackal is getting.

SJ 2.jpgSJ 1.JPGPR 2.JPGPR 1.JPGBB 2.jpgBB 1.jpg

I saved one male each of both BB and SJ. I'll be pollinating a branch on each. I also may hit a branch of the PR with some BB pollen. They are dropping pollen now so will collect that up tomorrow.
Looking good muddy.. How you like the Gerneral Organics? I've been wanting to try them or the roots organics but ended up buying the roots, but was still thinkin of gettin one of them go boxes that general organics offers to do a side by side comparison.
:pop: Groovy Muddy, lookin forward to watching these fatten up. Jackal is gettin some crazy yields with that AN isn't he? Making me reconsider my FF nutes....
How tall are the SJ's? What light are you using? I never did any sulphur to my mix just the added guano and I have been using water ph's to 6.3-6.5. What temp are they in?

---------- Post added 12-05-2011 at 08:35 PM ----------

:pop: Groovy Muddy, lookin forward to watching these fatten up. Jackal is gettin some crazy yields with that AN isn't he? Making me reconsider my FF nutes....

Went to the hydro shop today and scored some SensiGrow Part A and B hehehe. I hate you Jackal but luv the results!!
Looks great muddy what size pots are you using and how much bone meal are you adding
Looking forward to watching this one bud. :pop: