Mephisto Genetics MrGoat's Mephisto Mystery Mix, BTS and FC

The FC was visited by the Sugar Fairy last night or trich fairy, whatever looking good.


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Skywalker looks to upped her game as well.

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And a couple of weeks at a minimum still on those. The two plants occupy about 3/5 the tent space right now

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GreenGene of Green Genes Garden on You Tube put a DIY for building Rosin Press Plate assembly up about a week ago.
He was gracious enough to include all the links to the parts he used on Amazon.
GreenGene is one hell of a Photo grower.
Link below. Enjoy and save some cash, have fun building your own. Looks simple enough for goober like me to build. One thing I like about his build is that he includes 2 thermocouplers per aluminum plate so they heat up pretty fast.

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Some fresh pics of FC and Skywalker Trichs with Endoscope

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looking good. What’s the zoom capability with that cam scope.
Its 40-1000x
I think it's a 2MP, it was maybe 30$ for 10 more u can get a wifi version. I think the link is posted in an above thread.

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A note for all who like to make Edibles, specifically for making brownies, I have been adding about a 1 1/2 Tablespoons of Kratom powder (Maeng) to the canna I decarb. I have really grown fond of Kratom over the last couple of months and not just with brownies. Its a very good substitute for pain killers, as a matter of fact, Kratom is known for helping people to get off Opiates. From what I understand (from Joe Rogan and Hamilton Morris [Hamilton's Pharmacopia]) take 6-8 and things get pretty trippy :eyebrows:. Double Note, too much higher doses can be dangerous as well. I generally take 2 -3 @500 mg caps at a time, it just makes me feel overall pretty good. The most I have taken at 1 time is 4 - 500mg caps. Brownies, with the Kratom added, you don't have that long delay of the buzz kicking in, you will start feeling it in about 10 minutes or so. I also think the overall buzz last longer. I have tested this with my Guinea Pig subjects (friends:d5: :smokeout:) and the result is generally :worship:
Take some Kratom, smoke some Sour Livers and you will feel pretty loose.
Sour Livers - I like this strain, I am currently also have Sour Crack and BTS curing, but so far the Sour Livers is fav out of the three. SL gives me that muscle relaxer looseness feeling :frog:without the med buzz, great for arthritis, stiff back, neck and damn good for stress.