Indoor Mozzy’s Water Only Organic Soil Indoor Autoflower Grow



kinda the dream
Cultivators Club
May 31, 2023
Reaction score
Hello folks,

I’ve learned a lot so far as a lurker from the people here, and felt it was time I actually participated. Growing in a recreational state with a medical recommendation; in the later stages of the current grow which consists of four plants, two strains:

2 x (CC) - Humboldt Seed Company’s Caramel Cream Autoflower…which I believe is an F2(?).
2 x (LC) - Equilibrium Genetics’ Lion’s Claw F3 (regular, non-feminized) Autoflower

-CC1 was a failed FIM, had colder temps early on (~61-71?), and suffered from what I believe was PH lockout because the first several weeks of life it got untreated tap water that is ~7.5-8+ PH (based on the testing drops), and is the oldest at 83 days (these CCs were older seeds when purchased too).
-CC2 also suffered from PH lockout early and cold temps, and currently is 72 days
-LC2b is currently 61 days, and a monster compared to other LST’d or untrained autos I’ve had experience with. I did some decent defoliation ~2 weeks ago for airflow, light, etc.
-LC1b is currently 44 days, and shaping up to be huge like the other LC.

- Roots Organics Lush soil
- 3.5g plastic pots
- Tap water as needed (currently every other day), using a 2g sprayer with handle unscrewed to air out between watering sessions, and currently PHing to the low-mid 6s based on the testing color/using drops.
- Mars Hydro 2x4 Grow Tent - 48''X24''X71''(120X60X180cm)
- Mars Hydro 4 Inch Inline Fan And Carbon Filter Combo With Thermostat Controller
- Mars Hydro SP3000 300w LED GROW LIGHT - Currently at ~62%, 4” from the LC1b, and 24” from the CC1.
- 18/6 (but different distance/dimmer settings) since seeds in the dirt, after sprouting in warm/dark shot glasses
-Temps currently; Day ~76-81, Night ~71-76
-Humidity (battling issues) currently; Day ~64-69%, Night ~65-73% (spikes into the low 70s after watering/lights off if tent closed)..lung room humidity is high 50s to low-mid 60s depending on if the AC is running, etc.

I know I’m leaving out details at the moment but I wanted to at least get started and get some lights-on pictures up for progress: 20161027_215249.jpg
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Humidity spiked to equilibrium with the temp when the lights went out (I opened the tent to get back down into the 60s%):


Once the lights came on again, I got a slightly better picture of the tent and a closer one of the CCs...which may get chopped super early due to tent humidity/space:bighug:...I'll look at again for amber at watering tomorrow:
Plant/soil tracking
Forgot to explain why I sub labeled the LCs for tracking purposes;

LC1b = Pot 1, plant #2 of the LC strain, in that soil...due to seedling death after ~week.

LC2b = Pot 2, plant #2 of the LC strain, in that soil...due to the first plant showing male after about a month.
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73d/84d - CC pictures for early chopping day
Watering/chop day? Added ~1ml PH down to 2g that sat out in the trusty sprayer for 48hrs to get back to the mid sixes:

Last tent picture with everyone in it, and one after where we're down to just the two LC that actually fit okay by themselves (for the time being):

Here's the two CCs that will likely be chopped today at 73 and 84 days from breaking ground...pretty early unfortunately since there's not much amber and +/-75% cloudy depending on where you look; but not worrying about space and humidity (mold) issues in the tent with these guys is worth the trade off this round I believe 🤞, especially since they had a rough start for their lives anyways:
73d/84d - CC/CC Wet-trim/Compost
nice looking plants. i got a few days til chop
Thanks, and good luck. The last few days before chop can be anxious ones 🙂

Chopped the CCs today, unfortunately the squat one that was 85 days did appear to have some mold starting in the dense middle, so it got a shallow grave which was painful...😟😢

Got most of the 74 day one, wet trimmed and into the WeDryer, should be 50+ grams dry I'm guessing, but we'll see 🙄:

I'll likely try another one of these when I start the next grow (under better conditions for it), but we'll let the two LCs finish out at this point since they're taking up the whole tent anyways.
64d/47d - LC/LC
Day 64/47 for the 2 LCs, and watering day...readings from last night/this morning (with the lights on the whole time):

Gave < gallon of water to each; and removed some lower growth for airflow/future mold concerns from the 47d LC1b (as well as adding another pint of soil to the top of it):

Also, the day before yesterday I removed the heat sink and dimmer from the SP3000 and pulled them outside the tent, turned the dimmer back up to ~70% from ~60%, and raised the light about as high as it can go which was 14" above the 64d LC2b, and ~18" above the 47d LC1b (which has already grown another inch since then :growing:)...
66d/49d - LC/LC
Day 66/49 for the 2 LCs, and watering day...about 1.5 gallons (14m/11m from the sprayer) between the two, and the old one is definitely running out of some things and starting to take from the leaves, but the buds are really thickening up:

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