Indoor Mozzy’s Progeny and GroBucket Water Only Organic Soil Indoor Autoflower Grow

Day 34/32/35/29 - GNC/LDZ/PNG/OSH ~40 DLI - Toppled LDZ & OSH
  • Days 34, 32, 35 and 29 (GNC, LDZ, PNG, and OSH)...topped-off the reservoirs 🚰, raised the light, and increased the dimmer 🌞 to ~62%, so the DLI should now be ~40 at the top for the 5 week old PNG near the center:

    I also pruned some lower shoots that looked problematic, and the leaves touching the dirt, from all the plants…:

    …In the process I discovered the roots for at least the LDZ and the OSH are not established enough to be structurally sound and both plants wanted to topple over completely, so I used some pipe cleaners to prop them up for now…confounding and painful :(. I will try to top-water starting with the next watering in a couple days to hopefully compact the soil in hopes that will stabilize the loose plants better (and potentially add additional topsoil at some point as well).
    Propping-up crippled LDZ & OSH
  • Thanks, Bob…hopes and dreams 🤞. Maybe I’ll luck out with the LDZ and OSH but they basically fell down/came almost completely out of the soil this morning just from leaf tucking and trying to get to the bottom growth…gave the LDZ two branch and one trunk anchor as it wanted to fall multiple ways, and the OSH just one trunk anchor since it fell down in only one direction :doh::

    If these two don't make it it'll be very disappointing, not just for missing out on their harvests, but the other two remaining plants could have been trained better for increased development had I'd known I'd only wind up with two flowering in the tent...we'll see 🤷‍♀️🍀. I also need to remember going forward that this soil in GroBuckets will need to be compacted a little more, as well as periodic top-watering for moisture/density/root development issues since it doesn't wick up enough consistently for stability.
    Day 37/35/38/32 - GNC/LDZ/PNG/OSH
  • Days 37, 35, 38 and 32 (GNC, LDZ, PNG, and OSH)...I added topsoil yesterday to the weak LDZ and OSH buckets and tried to compact it around the trunks to help stabilize them, and then top-watered a little and topped-off the reservoirs of everyone that needed it today. Temps are still +/- 80f, and RH +/- 60%:


    I spent a lot of time outside this morning trying to deal with wasp/yellowjacket issues and also trying to come up with plant risers; and didn’t change clothes before dealing with the plants, so hopefully I didn’t bring in any bugs, pollen, contaminants etc.

    I used what little scrap 2x4 I had to make semi-stable risers for the GNC/LDZ, and old coffee cans for the OSH. The bulk of the canopies in the tent should now be getting about 550 PPFD, or ~35 DLI, give-or-take at 18/6…will likely just continue to leave the light at the current height and ~62% and let folks adjust themselves and grow into it unless anything dramatic changes or I can’t help myself:
    Day 39/37/40/34 - GNC/LDZ/PNG/OSH
  • Days 39, 37, 40 and 34 (GNC, LDZ, PNG, and OSH)...currently ~76-83f, and ~56-66% RH depending on AC usage and how long the lights have been on/off:


    I added a quart of topsoil to the GNC and PNG buckets, top-watered all but the OSH who hasn’t drank much, and pruned some growth off the lower parts of branches on the GNC to keep airflow space…:
    Last edited:
    Day 42/40/43 - GNC/LDZ/PNG - Pruning and OSH compost
  • Had some challenging and noteworthy things happen this week:
    • Dropped a worklight on the PNG and LDZ, breaking multiple branches, side colas and large fan leaves off.
    • Plant funeral for the 36 day OSH yesterday because it never recovered from being knocked over a week ago, and I finally pulled it after it had a few days of rapid deterioration/no water consumption (while the previously runty LDZ that also got knocked over has been thriving, at least before the worklight incident):

    • Roots on the other plants have now grown into the reservoirs of the buckets and wrapped around some of the air stones it seems…they are dense enough that the water-level indicators are no longer accurate as the floats can’t go down very far because they are sitting on roots now and not floating, after minimal water consumption.
    • Tent has been ~76-84f, and ~56-66% RH.
    …so we are now down to 3 plants, and only from progeny seeds, with GNC at 42, LDZ at 40, and PNG at 43 days:

    After the pictures above, I also pruned quite a bit of inner growth this morning for airflow reasons from the GNC and PNG…might have got a little carried away, but I don’t want mold issues this round on top of everything else:
    Day 45/43/46 - GNC/LDZ/PNG
  • Pruned some lower branch nodes on the LDZ for airflow reasons yesterday, continuing to do minor LST and leaf tucking, and I am topping off the water reservoirs daily at this point with the three plants consuming about 1.5 gallons a day between them; but otherwise just chugging along with the GNC at 45, LDZ at 43, and PNG at 46 days:


    ...I may wind up pruning some more branches from these guys as time goes on since I will definitely trade lower yields for having no mold issues.
    Day 48/46/49 - GNC/LDZ/PNG - Significant pruning
  • GNC at 48, LDZ at 46, and PNG at 49 days…Been fighting humidity for flowering already with light-on temps in the high 70s F, and RH in the mid 60s% (lights off, ~76f/67% observed):

    The clip fan has been on high but the past couple days I turned the oscillating fan close to max too, the extraction fan to 80%, and moved the driver back in the tent to help with increasing the heat to lower humidity (it is always a pain to get that thing through the cable hole in the back of the tent, and much worse with plants in there).

    I also took the riser out from under the LDZ, raised the light several inches and increased the dimmer to ~70% as well. This puts it about 14” above the average canopy.

    Finally, after taking the above pictures first, I gave the plants (mainly the PNG/GNC) the most significant pruning yet, to help with airflow before things get worse:

    Hopefully my butchering doesn’t kill anyone…I don’t mind much lower yields (preferable to any mold issues), but I am trying to avoid hermies from excessive stress, so will try to practice more restraint and patience day-to-day as much as possible going forward:
    Day 52/50/53 - GNC/LDZ/PNG - Significant pruning
  • GNC at 52, LDZ at 50, and PNG at 53 days:

    • Topping off the water reservoirs daily.
    • Continuing to fight humidity.
    • Light-on temps still in the high 70s F with light-off temps in the ~mid 70s F.
    • RH in the high 60s% (or low 70s% overnight) according to the Mars Hydro thermostat at average canopy height, in the middle; however 3 separate mini humidity sensors (two sitting on the light bar with one in the middle and one on the far right; and one on the floor in the middle of the tent) all show significantly less: currently 68% vs 57, 52 ,59% respectively.
    • After taking the above pictures first, I gave the plants another significant pruning to help with airflow:
    Day 55/53/56 - GNC/LDZ/PNG - Super-cropped the 53d LDZ
  • GNC at 55, LDZ at 53, and PNG at 56 days:

    I pruned a couple more troublesome branches from the LDZ, which continues to grow and was 40” from the soil…and then I decided to do a late supercropping (my first) on the main cola as it was about 1” from the light at this point and moving things around in the tent didn’t make sense due to airflow/humidity concerns. I first used an LST clip for support, but it flopped out of that when I turned on the oscillating fan again, so I used a pipe cleaner as hanging support for now 🫤:

    Hopefully it isn’t enough stress to cause a hermie 🤞.
    Day 57/55/58 - GNC/LDZ/PNG
  • GNC at 57, LDZ at 55, and PNG at 58 days:
    • Replaced the charcoal filter with a backup I had to see if it would help with airflow (the old one has been through a couple grows and seemed okay, but I may be nose-blind to it).
    • Cinched up the filter and extraction fan to the top as high as possible.
    • Rearranged the 6” clip fan and the 6” oscillating so that everyone is dancing pretty good around the clock…hopefully not too much wind stress, but better than mold.
    • Moved light 3-4” higher and increased the dimmer to 75%...average canopy is ~12”+ away, but with several LDZ secondary colas at ~6” away near the middle.
    • Lights on environment is okay, but humidity spikes into the 70s% at lights off so I’m opening the tent everyday during those hours when possible to get to high 50s% with ~mid 70sF in the lung room.
