New Grower Mossys 4/20 Madness...

I bought my DD special 420 pack at almost the exact same time that I got in my wreck one week ago. Pretty awesome! :D Just realized this.
I have a question fellers.. I got some DD 420 special and just got my envelope ready to send complete with a ten (keep the change:D) But then realized that i have never sent a letter to Canada before (Im from the US) and was wondering if all I need to do is put a regular stamp on it or what? Not sure if I have to take it to the post office for a special stamp or if Im good to go??
I usually just load mine up with reg us stamps. Never had a problem before.
last order the mailman at the post office charged me .85 from florida to canada...
like how many? 3?4?
Yup throw 3 or 4 on there just to be safe (I'm going with 4 myself) and to all of you who were worried about the hex I cast upon you I have a confession... I do not really have the power of magic or voodoo or any other type of sorcery so please fret no longer :smoke:
The two minutes it takes to stand in line at the PO will guarantee you have the right postage. If sending cash - why risk it?

EDIT: .85 cents from SE USA just like florafire stated!
Wiz - for those of us that just missed it (even though we orderd early on 4/20 but happened to be in a different time zone damnit!) ...can we have the guy that can't count, package the order? I paid full price, and I know the bargain packs don't have any freebies......but any way to toss a few extras in?

I figured no harm in asking......especialy for a repeat customer....guilt never hurt anyone.....(keeping fingers crossed)
Yup throw 3 or 4 on there just to be safe (I'm going with 4 myself) and to all of you who were worried about the hex I cast upon you I have a confession... I do not really have the power of magic or voodoo or any other type of sorcery so please fret no longer :smoke:

what a relief...'cause the only way i know of to remove a hex, is either by killing the one who cast it...or maybe a chicken or something...and i am willing to do that last one if we can bar be que it afterwards...