New Grower More mutants - Mnogolistka

This dude was so stretchy, but I'm happy to have the pollen to isolate this leaf trait. I was going to toss the bonsai mother but decided to keep more genetic diversity. Now I just have to wait patiently for a few weeks.

Other tentative plans for this pollen are:

my current auto ducks

If my ABC plants fail to reverse -wasn't planning on crossing these lines this early but oh well

Bonsai mom has got it goin' on. Never have I ever grown a tiny(to me) seeded plant. The other plant is disappointing in smells and lack of trichomes. I only cloned the other plant as backup since the seeds were expensive. The MNOGOLISTKA x ABC from the landrace team was exactly as described by another grower and the seed listing. No freebies which I felt is odd or am I wrong?

Types of leaves:
Abc: 1
Mixed: 6
Mnogolistka: 3
Please ignore the white dots - it's diatomaceous earth from a nearby dwarf tomato. Both plants were a bit more sensitive to Jobes 4-4-4 than other seeded plants I've grown.

Nutrient choice was what was on hand and had more nitrogen for the seeds. I usually apply slowly increased above instructions and get just a smidge of burn.

Now just waiting on the seeds to mature.