OLD REVIEWS MOC Little Angel / Angelmatic

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i guess they couldn't decide what to call this strain, so there you go. that's alright, i prefer the areferential culture.

this strain report is more for the sake of providing some.. any information on this strain. the grow was real crap, so only the scarcest paucity of edification may be gleaned herein.

round about new years i decided autos were the way forward for my new miniature stealth cab. i'd previously butchered a pineapple chunk and wanted smaller victims.

being the lucky sort, i ordered one (1) seed from attitude, and figured i'd make some CS and raise me a farm, eventually. i picked angel because she had the smallest picture.. little did i know the picture was actually the lowryder stock image.

my modest intentions materialised as a blessing, with two awesome individuals. i got a freebie kannabia hobbit with my order. both turned out to be quality smoke, and fortunately endured through my farcical grow.

cross-referencing the report on the KH -

a brief synopsis is that my grow suffered from various factors.. new house, new environmental factors, bugs, temps, no money, and ignorance.

about three or four weeks in i decided they weren't growing fast enough (cold temps and fungus gnats, which can obliterate a grow if not treated, they are real bastards and i've seen a lot of seedlings get slurped up). so i sprayed them with gibberellic acid, being, at that point, ignorant of anything beyond 'stimulates plant growth'.

good news, GA3 suppresses ethylene, producing genuine male flowers and allowed me to make the seed i wanted. bad news, angel went to skinny heaven.

angel on the right, KH (GA3'ed to lesser extent) on the left.

as you can see, there's hardly a plant there at all. and, so you know the crap i was dealing with, that's at eight weeks. my plants were not growing for a number of reasons. angel went from being 4" to 24" in four or five days.

BUT! wonder of wonders, that middle node was fully male on one side.

so we have established that the grow was total cack, but here's what i can tell you about Ministy of Cannabis Angel whatever she's called.

1) she's a stinker. that radio antenna there was the most pungent vegetation i've come across.

2) the smoke is accordingly thick, heavy, blue smoke if you know what i mean.

3) she is quality weed.


there's a strain report form in the hobbit thread which is pertinent for information not covered above.. i figure given the idiosyncracies of this grow the narrative description is more fitting :)