Moby Dick XXL Outdoor looks sick


Feb 18, 2020
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Hello guys, my Moby Dick XXL grow in southern spain is getting worst and worst. The leaves started yellowing 1/1,5 month ago, now we are around day 60/65 and she looks like this. I am not giving nutes since monday and I wasn't giving too much (only organic, 2ml bio grow and 3ml bio bloom per liter, watering 3 liters a day, one day with nutes, one day plain water). Now is almost time to cut (I think a week will be fine) and I'm not bothering but you think is normal that leaves yellow like this?



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Hello guys, my Moby Dick XXL grow in southern spain is getting worst and worst. The leaves started yellowing 1/1,5 month ago, now we are around day 60/65 and she looks like this. I am not giving nutes since monday and I wasn't giving too much (only organic, 2ml bio grow and 3ml bio bloom per liter, watering 3 liters a day, one day with nutes, one day plain water). Now is almost time to cut (I think a week will be fine) and I'm not bothering but you think is normal that leaves yellow like this?


Looks like she's almost matured, so my first thought is not to worry about it too much.
It's quite common / normal for plants to lose many or some larger fan leaves.
Perhaps the organic feeding schedule was a bit weak in some area.
If you're going to harvest in a week, then I would just let her go, continue with the plain water.
What's the weather like in Southern Spain this time of year?
Looks like she's almost matured, so my first thought is not to worry about it too much.
It's quite common / normal for plants to lose many or some larger fan leaves.
Perhaps the organic feeding schedule was a bit weak in some area.
If you're going to harvest in a week, then I would just let her go, continue with the plain water.
What's the weather like in Southern Spain this time of year?

yes, since it's mature i'm not worrying, the same thing was happening indoors but when I look at grow diaries I see plants that are harvested and have perfect leaves and I don't understand why I always get dead leaves. The feeding I think was ok, the plants wheren't showing deficiencies or burnings, just the leaves started dying. climate was very particular this year, it wasn't crazy hot as usual, we had around 26-28°C day with minimum of 16°C by night, with fresh air, perfect for the ladies :)
yes, since it's mature i'm not worrying, the same thing was happening indoors but when I look at grow diaries I see plants that are harvested and have perfect leaves and I don't understand why I always get dead leaves. The feeding I think was ok, the plants wheren't showing deficiencies or burnings, just the leaves started dying. climate was very particular this year, it wasn't crazy hot as usual, we had around 26-28°C day with minimum of 16°C by night, with fresh air, perfect for the ladies :)

Great weather!

What kind of soil / medium are you using?
I'm wondering if it was already all used up quite early on.
If I recall correctly, the Dinafem website does say that the Moby Dick XXL Auto is a hungry plant!

Her Sativa dominance also translates into a greater appetite, which means you’ll have to fertilise a bit more than usual.
... will thrive when watered frequently but without flooding the plant and drowning her roots.
soil was biobizz light mix, of course new soil. I fed with good amounts of nutes as you can read, she wasn't showing any deficiency, just losing and yellowing leaves