Indoor Mish·Mash Grow - Home Bred KVS Regular Seeds and 7+ Year Old Bag-seed Find (photo)


Transplanted KVS in HF and Coco perlite mix 70/30....about 2 days since transplant and plants are 10 days old...feeding Bio ROOT 1 tsp per gallon adjusted to 6.2 ph....still running t5HO's.
Transplanted Bag seeds photo's in HF and Coco perlite mix 70/30....about 2 days since transplant and plants are 10 days old...feeding Bio ROOT 1 tsp per gallon adjusted to 6.2 ph....still running t5HO's.
Some close order.

Twins - I put my seeds in NOT STONED and with a tweezers...they should be the real thing...
Some bag seed showing purple hues in the new growth
Same - Showing some purple hues in newest growth
Closeup Bag Seed
Close up KVS Auto

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These will be going outside any day the weather breaks, they will veg out there for 2 weeks, I will bring the photo's in under LED's for a couple weeks of 12/12 to sex, and keep the KVS outside to mature naturally, hopefully have 2 of each strain that is female and healthy (maybe 3-4 of the KVS if they turn out nice). I kind of enjoy growing regular seeds and having the ability to do the veg/sex/bloom option for the best female plants....but honestly it's been too much work for me lately.

I will be starting my Nirvana Bubblicious Fem Auto's soon....they should be nice!
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UPDATE FROM OLDER IGNORED POST- All home bred KVS seeds grew out nice but only one's almost done, will put up pic Sunday evening, odd little plant. All of my old bag-seed grew so tall and spindly, then took forever to show sex...had a popo scare for the indoor grow so I just nuked the whole thing.....sorry, I've been away so long. I have my Bubblicious in week 5, they were getting pretty tall so I LST's the 4 best ones (one died young) but I had a few breakage points but they survived so far (monster cropping...LOL) and are starting to flower, will show pics Sunday evening. Sorry, not the most active grower on here. The KVS is in Happy Frog with GO nutes with Bio Bud, and the Bubblicious are in 3 gallon smart pots with Hempy bottoms (did this last year and the AK-48 turned out great). 50/50 coco perlite with clay pebbles in 2" tray in bottom (10" plastic drip trays). Using GH 2 part with Cal Mag, pretty much my own version of Lucas as I see my plants react. PH at 5.8-6.2 or close, PPM's lower in the 400-500 range. All are outdoors in the Midwest...

I promise to get caught up here...LOL (or hehehehhehehehe).

Just ordered 2 Fast-buds Rhino Ryder, 2 Dina-fem Blue Critical, and 2 DP Think Different....ready for wave 2 (and best one) of the summer.
